Akhisar ve Gölmarmara'daki Türk anıtları
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Ege Üniversitesi
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TÜRKÇE ABSTRAKT (en fazla 250 sözcük): (TIJBITAK/TURDOK'un Abstrakt Hazırlama Kılavuzunu kullanınız) XTV. yüzyıl başlarında Türk idaresine geçen Akhisar ve Gölmarmara'da, bu döneme ait yapı hemen hemen hiç yoktur, imar faaliyetleri ancak, Osmanlılar döneminde yoğunlaşmıştır. Çalışma konumuzu, cami, medrese, türbe, hamam, imaret ve kütüphane olmak üzere dini ve sosyal içerikli eserler oluşturmaktadır. Bu eserler, XTV- XTX. yüzyıllar arasında inşa edilmişlerdir. Akhisar ve Gölmarmara'daki günümüze ulaşabilmiş 23 yapıdan pek çoğunun bir külliyeye ait olduğu, ancak bu külliyelerin baza yapılarının günümüze gelebilmiş oldukları görülmektedir. Çalışma konumuzu oluşturan yapılarda uygulanan plan şemalarının genel hatlarıyla, Anadolu'daki örneklerle paralellikler gösterdikleri, bununla birlikte ayrıntıdaki uygulamalarla kendi kimliklerini kazandıkları görülmektedir. İncelediğimiz yapılarda, inşa malzemesi olarak daha çok kabayonu ve moloz taşın kullanıldığı ve bunların tuğlayla birlikte almaşık bir duvar örgüsü oluşturdukları dikkati çekmektedir. Çalışmamızda ele aldığımız eserlerde, tuğla, taş, alçı, ahşap ve kalemisi süslemeler kullanılmıştır. Bunlardan tuğla süslemelere sahip yapılar ilgi çekicidir. Sonuç olarak, incelediğimiz eserler, genel özellikleriyle, Anadolu'daki örneklere benzemektedir. Bu eserler, Anadolu Türk Mimarisi'ne önemli yenilikler getirmemekle birlikte, ayrıntıdaki uygulamalarla kendine has özellikleri bulunan eserlerdir
İNGİLİZCE ABSTRAKT fen fazla 250 sözcük): There are few monuments that were built in early 14th century during which the possession of Akhisar and Golmarmara was taken over by minor Turkish states. The construction activities in the region began to increase during the Ottoman rule. The focus of this study will mainly be the constructions which fulfilled social and religious functions such as mosques (cami), thology schools attached to these mosques (medrese), tombs (türbe), baths (hamam), soup kitchens (imaret) and libraries (kütüphane). The majority of the 23 constructions which managed to survive until today are parts of a complex (külliye). All these monuments and buildings had been constructed in the period from 14th century to 19th century. An important point to be mentioned is the fact that we can observe that the architectural plans used to design these constructions are almost identical to those used for other buildings in Anatolia except for minor details. The rough masonry and the rubble are the materials that were widely used in the construction of these building. It can be easily noticed that a particular combination of these materials and bricks was the most preferred type of masonry (almaşık duvar). The constructioas that we focus on contain the ornaments which were carved on bricks, stone, plaster and wooden surfaces along with the type of decoration which was made by painting such surfaces (kalemisi süsleme). Among these types, the brick decorations observed in some of these buildings are quite interesting. In sum, the main position of the current study is that we can easily propose that although the constructions under investigation are quite similar to those found in other parts of Anatolia in a variety of respects and that though they do not reflect some original ideas in architectural design, these constructions might occasionafy differentiate in minor details that are absolutely worth studying.
İNGİLİZCE ABSTRAKT fen fazla 250 sözcük): There are few monuments that were built in early 14th century during which the possession of Akhisar and Golmarmara was taken over by minor Turkish states. The construction activities in the region began to increase during the Ottoman rule. The focus of this study will mainly be the constructions which fulfilled social and religious functions such as mosques (cami), thology schools attached to these mosques (medrese), tombs (türbe), baths (hamam), soup kitchens (imaret) and libraries (kütüphane). The majority of the 23 constructions which managed to survive until today are parts of a complex (külliye). All these monuments and buildings had been constructed in the period from 14th century to 19th century. An important point to be mentioned is the fact that we can observe that the architectural plans used to design these constructions are almost identical to those used for other buildings in Anatolia except for minor details. The rough masonry and the rubble are the materials that were widely used in the construction of these building. It can be easily noticed that a particular combination of these materials and bricks was the most preferred type of masonry (almaşık duvar). The constructioas that we focus on contain the ornaments which were carved on bricks, stone, plaster and wooden surfaces along with the type of decoration which was made by painting such surfaces (kalemisi süsleme). Among these types, the brick decorations observed in some of these buildings are quite interesting. In sum, the main position of the current study is that we can easily propose that although the constructions under investigation are quite similar to those found in other parts of Anatolia in a variety of respects and that though they do not reflect some original ideas in architectural design, these constructions might occasionafy differentiate in minor details that are absolutely worth studying.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Sanat Tarihi, Art History, Anıtsal yapılar, Monumental buildings, Camiler, Mosques, Hamamlar, Baths, Kütüphaneler, Libraries, Kütüphaneler, Libraries, Manisa-Akhisar, Manisa-Akhisar, Manisa-Gölmarmara, Manisa-Gölmarmara, Tarihi yapılar, Historic structures