Productıon of hexyl acrylate by pervaporatıon-esterıfıcatıon hybrıd process
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Yapılan tezde, pervaporasyon-esterleşme hibrit prosesi ile hekzil akrilat eldesi incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde hekzanolün akrilik asit ile sıvı fazı esterleşme reaksiyonu incelenmiş, ikinci bölümde ise hekzil akrilat üretiminde pervaporasyon ile suyun uzaklaştırılmasının akrilik asit dönüşmesi üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Reaksiyon çalışmalarında iyon değişim reçinesi olan ticari Amberlyst 15, Amberlyst 131 ve Dowex 50wx-400 kullanılmış, Amberlyst 131'in en yüksek akrilik asit dönüşmesi verdiği bulunmuştur. Bu nedenle reaksiyon kinetik ve pervaporasyon deney çalışmaları Amberlyst 131 kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tersinir reaksiyon olan esterleşme reaksiyonlarında dengeyi bozmak için pervaporasyon ile suyun uzaklaştırılması sağlanmıştır. Reaksiyon sonucunda ürün olarak açığa çıkan suyun hidrofilik bir membran ile reaktörden uzaklaştırılarak dengenin ürünler yönüne kaydırılması ve dönüşümün artması sağlanmıştır. Pervaporasyon çalışmalarında kullanılan membranlardan polimerik olan Pervap 2201, Sulzer Chemtech firmasından sağlanmış, inorganik olan PVM-035 seramik membran ise Pervatech (Hollanda) firmasından sağlanmıştır. Deneyler boyunca çalışma koşullarının hekzil akrilat saflığına ve bileşenlerin akı değerlerine etkileri incelenmiştir
In this study, hexyl acrylate production was investigated by pervaporation-esterification hybrid process. In the first part of the study, liquid phase esterification of acrylic acid with hexanol was investigated and in the second part hexyl acrylate synthesis was carried out by pervaporation-esterification process to remove water. For esterification experiments, Amberlyst 15, Amberlyst 131 and Dowex 50wx-400, ion exchange resins were used as catalyst and experiments were performed at different operating conditions. The highest acrylic acid conversion was obtained by Amberlyst 131, so kinetic studies and pervaporation experiments were carried out with the presence of Amberlyst 131. Esterification reactions are reversible and chemical equilibrium limits the conversion. Removing of one of the products shifts the reaction to forward side and increases the conversion. So, removing of water by pervaporation is a preferable method. The polymeric membrane, Pervap 2201, was obtained from Sulzer Chemtech and PVM-035, inorganic membrane was obtained from Pervatech (Netherland) to use for pervaporation studies. For hybrid process effects of operation conditions such as temperature, catalyst loading, initial molar ratio, the ratio of membrane area to reaction volume were investigated.
In this study, hexyl acrylate production was investigated by pervaporation-esterification hybrid process. In the first part of the study, liquid phase esterification of acrylic acid with hexanol was investigated and in the second part hexyl acrylate synthesis was carried out by pervaporation-esterification process to remove water. For esterification experiments, Amberlyst 15, Amberlyst 131 and Dowex 50wx-400, ion exchange resins were used as catalyst and experiments were performed at different operating conditions. The highest acrylic acid conversion was obtained by Amberlyst 131, so kinetic studies and pervaporation experiments were carried out with the presence of Amberlyst 131. Esterification reactions are reversible and chemical equilibrium limits the conversion. Removing of one of the products shifts the reaction to forward side and increases the conversion. So, removing of water by pervaporation is a preferable method. The polymeric membrane, Pervap 2201, was obtained from Sulzer Chemtech and PVM-035, inorganic membrane was obtained from Pervatech (Netherland) to use for pervaporation studies. For hybrid process effects of operation conditions such as temperature, catalyst loading, initial molar ratio, the ratio of membrane area to reaction volume were investigated.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya Mühendisliği, Chemical Engineering, Akrilik asit, Acrylic acid, Kesikli reaktörler, Batch reactors