İzmir seralarında yetiştirilen sebzelerdeki bazı pestisit kalıntılarının araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Ill ÖZET İZMİR SERALARINDA YETİŞTİRİLEN SEBZELERDEKİ BAZI PESTİSİT KALINTILARININ ARAŞTIRILMASI KESKİN.Ayfer Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kimya Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Avcıbaşı Eylül 1996-46 sayfa Bu tez de.izmir seralarında yetiştirilen sebzeler üzerinde kullanılan tarım ilaçları kalıntıları (residue) incelenmiştir. Sebze ve meyve gibi tarımsal gıdalarda kullanılan bitki koruma ilaçları, gıdalar üzerinde kalıntı bırakmakta, insan ve çevre sağlığını tehdit etmektedir. Özellikle kış döneminde yoğun olan seracılıkta.ilaçlamalar kontrol altında yapılmamakta ve bu hali ile direk pazara sunulmaktadır.Halbuki tarım ilaçlarının az kalıntı bırakması ve doğru kullanılması istenen en önemli özelliktir. Bu amaçla İzmir çevresinde ve özellikle Menderes Bölgesinde yaygın olan seralardan.çeşitli sebze örnekleri alınmış ve bunlarda kalıntı (residue) çalışmaları yapılmıştır.Bulunan kalıntı değerleri, kabul edilebilir kalıntı toleransları ile karşılaştırılmış ve sonuçları değerlendirilmiştir.Burada genel residue metodları kullanılmış ve sonuçlar Gaz Kromatografisi kullanılarak kantitatif olarak tayin edilmiştir
IV ABSTRACT RESEARCH ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES IN VEGETABLES THAT ARE GROWN IN İZMİR GREEN HOUSES KESKİN, Ayfer Msc in Chemistry Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Avcı başı September 1996- 46! pages In this thesis.pesticide residues which are being used on vegetables in İzmir green houses, are studied. Crop protection chemicals which are used in agricultural nutritions such as vegetables and fruits leave residues on the nutritions and threat human and environment. In the green housing which is implemented more intensively during the winter months.application of pesticides are not being done in appropriate conditions and the crops are put into the market with the residues on them. However the most wanted features of the crop protection pesticides are containing minimum residue and appropriate farmer application. In order to test these features samples of various vegetables have been collected from the green houses around izmir region especially from Menderes area and these samples have been tested for residues.The residual values of these test results were compared with approved residual tolerances and the results were assesed.ln these thesis general residue methods have been used and the results have been determined quantitatively by using Gas Chromatography.
IV ABSTRACT RESEARCH ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES IN VEGETABLES THAT ARE GROWN IN İZMİR GREEN HOUSES KESKİN, Ayfer Msc in Chemistry Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Avcı başı September 1996- 46! pages In this thesis.pesticide residues which are being used on vegetables in İzmir green houses, are studied. Crop protection chemicals which are used in agricultural nutritions such as vegetables and fruits leave residues on the nutritions and threat human and environment. In the green housing which is implemented more intensively during the winter months.application of pesticides are not being done in appropriate conditions and the crops are put into the market with the residues on them. However the most wanted features of the crop protection pesticides are containing minimum residue and appropriate farmer application. In order to test these features samples of various vegetables have been collected from the green houses around izmir region especially from Menderes area and these samples have been tested for residues.The residual values of these test results were compared with approved residual tolerances and the results were assesed.ln these thesis general residue methods have been used and the results have been determined quantitatively by using Gas Chromatography.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Pestisitler, Pesticides, Sebzeler, Vegetables, Seralar, Greenhouses, İzmir, Izmir