Vicia faba L. 'nın meristematik hücreleri üzerine çeşitli kimyasalların etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi
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C)te^^_»-3 V ÖZET Vicia faba L.'nın MERİSTEMATİK HÜCRELERİ ÜZERİNE ÇEŞİTLİ KİMYASALLARIN ETKİLERİ ACAR, Tûlay Doktora Tisi, Biyoloji Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi:Prof. Dr. Bilkan ÖZÖRGÜCÜ Nisan 2000, Sayfa 247 Araştırmamızda tarımda verimliliği arttırıcı amaçla bitkileri hastalık ve zararlılardan koruyan pestisitlerle, besleyici nitelik taşıyan kimyasalların oluşturabileceği etkileri karşılaştırmalı olarak belirtmeye çalıştık. Denemelerimizde uygulanan maddelerin özelliklerine, konsantrasyonlarına ve farklı uygulama yöntemlerine göre kök ucu ve tomurcuklarda mitoz ve mayoz anomalileri ile polen sterilitesi saptanmıştır. Aynı zamanda pestisitlerin üreticiye önerilen konsantrasyonu ile iki katı konsantrasyonda uygulanmasının birbirine yakın oranlarda etkiler oluşturduğu da kanıtlanmıştır. Sonuçta, uygulanan maddelerden bir kısmının çeşitli hastalık ve zararlılarla savaşmada kullanılır olması, bunun yanında bir diğerinin besleyici nitelik taşımasına rağmen paralel etkilere yol açtığı belirlenmiştir. Bu bulgulara göre bitkilerde bir verim azalışının olabileceği ve bu etkilerin gelecek döllere de geçebileceği görüşüne varılmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: Çaptan, Hezudm, Tefralin, Bolikel, mitoz ve mayoz anomalileri
vn ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF VARIOUS CHEMICALS ON THE MERİSTEM ATIC CELLS OF Vida faba L. ACAR, Tûlay Doctorate Thesis, Biology Department Administer of Thesis Pro£ Dr. Bilkan ÖZÖRGÜCÜ April 2000, 247 pages In our research we tried to comparatively indicate the effects which can be caused by chemicals with nutritions properties and by pesticides that protect plants from diseases and parasites which are both used to increase the efficiency in agruculture. According to the properties concentrations and the different ways of applications of the materials which are applied in our trial; mitosis and meiosis abnormalities in root tips and bulbs and polen sterility is detected. At the some time, it is also proved that: application of the concentration which is advised to the producer and the double concentration of this, give out close rations of effects. In the conclusion, although some of the applied materials are used to fight against various diseases and parasites and some of them carry nutritional properties, they cause parallel effects. According to these findings, it is concluded that: some decrease of efficiency can occure in plants and these effects can be transmited to the future generations. Keywords: mitosis and meiosis anomalies of Çaptan, Hezudin, Tefralin and Bolikel.
vn ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF VARIOUS CHEMICALS ON THE MERİSTEM ATIC CELLS OF Vida faba L. ACAR, Tûlay Doctorate Thesis, Biology Department Administer of Thesis Pro£ Dr. Bilkan ÖZÖRGÜCÜ April 2000, 247 pages In our research we tried to comparatively indicate the effects which can be caused by chemicals with nutritions properties and by pesticides that protect plants from diseases and parasites which are both used to increase the efficiency in agruculture. According to the properties concentrations and the different ways of applications of the materials which are applied in our trial; mitosis and meiosis abnormalities in root tips and bulbs and polen sterility is detected. At the some time, it is also proved that: application of the concentration which is advised to the producer and the double concentration of this, give out close rations of effects. In the conclusion, although some of the applied materials are used to fight against various diseases and parasites and some of them carry nutritional properties, they cause parallel effects. According to these findings, it is concluded that: some decrease of efficiency can occure in plants and these effects can be transmited to the future generations. Keywords: mitosis and meiosis anomalies of Çaptan, Hezudin, Tefralin and Bolikel.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Bakla, Broad bean, Captan, Captan, Hezudin, Hezudin, Mayoz bölünme, Meiosis division, Mitoz bölünme, Mitosis division, Pestisitler, Pesticides, Tefralin, Tefralin