Kuru incir zararlılarından incir kurdu (Cadra cautella walk. ) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) mücadelesinde soğuk tekniğinden yararlanma olanakları üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
64 ÖZET Bu çalışma kuru incirin ana zararlısı incir kurdu (Cadra cautella walk.) (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae) *nun kontro lünde, düşük sıcaklığın etkisini araştırmak amacı ile 1989-1991 yıllarında İzmir ilinde yapılmıştır. İşletme ve depoya giren incirleri en kısa sürede steri lize etmek ve C.cautella'nın % 100 kontrolünü sağlamak için denemelerde -10°C, -20°C, -30°C ve -40°C olmak üzere dört ayrı sıcaklık grubu ele alınmıştır. Herbir sıcaklık grubunda C.cautella'nın yumurta, genç ve olgun larva dönemlerine 0, 3, 6, 12 ve 24 dakika olmak üzere beş ayrı süre uygulanmıştır. Bu uygulamalar, hızlı soğutma sistemine sahip şoklama tüne linde yapılmıştır. Düşük sıcaklık denemeleri sırasında yumur talar^ özel hazırlanmış plastik kutulara, larvalar ise kuru incire konmuştur. Uygulama öncesi ve uygulama sırasında, her bir biyolojik dönemin bulunduğu ortamların sıcaklık değişimle- ri de izlenmiştir. Uygulamadan sonra canlı kalan bireylerin ergin olma süreleri ve oranları da belirlenmiştir. -10°C ve -20°C sıcaklıklarda uygulama sürelerinin artma sı, C. cautella yumurta, genç ve olgun larvalarının ölüm oran larında yükselmeye neden olmuştur. Bu sıcaklık gruplarında uygulanan sürelerin, zararlının incelenen biyolojik dönemleri ne etkisi arasındaki ilişkiler, istatistik! yönden de doğru sal olarak bulunmuştur. En yüksek etki, -10°C sıcaklıkta, en uzun uygulaması olan 24 dakikada elde edilmiştir. Ancak bu etki, % 50 'yi geçememiştir. -20°C Sıcaklıkta ise en yüksek65 etki, 12 ve 24 dakika uygulamalarında, % 100 olarak saptan mıştır. -3Q°C ve -40°C Sıcaklıklarda ise ilk uygulama süre sinden itibaren etki, % 100 olarak bulunmuştur. -10°C Sıcaklıkta uygulanan tüm sürelerde, -20°C'da ise 0 ve 3 dakika süre uygulamalarından sonra canlı kalan birey lerin ergin olma oranlarının % 50'nin üzerinde olduğu bulun muştur. Ergin olan bireylerin fertil yumurta bırakması, bu sıcaklık grupları ve bu uygulama sürelerinde C.cautella* mn üründe zarar oluşturma riskinin devam edeceğini göstermiştir. Yapılan istatistiksel değerlendirmelerde C.cautella'- nm kontrolü için düşük sıcaklık ve bu sıcaklıkta uygulanan sürelerin birbirine bağımlı olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Sıcak lık düştükçe zararlının yumurta ve larva dönemlerinde ölüm oranı arttığı gibi, aynı düşük sıcaklıkta uygulama süreleri nin uzaması halinde yine ölüm oranında artış olduğu görülmüş tür. Bu analizler sonucunda C.cautella ' mn % 100 ölümünü el de etmek için -20°Cda 12 ve 24 dakika uygulama süreleri ile -30°C ve -40°C'da tüm uygulama sürelerinin etkilerinin, ista tistik! açıdan farksız olduğu bulunmuştur. Çalışma sonuçları ile düşük sıcaklık uygulamasının C. cautella kontrolünde, fumigasyonun alternatifi olabileceği ve ekolojik kuru incir eldesinde güvenle kullanılabileceği ortaya konulmuştur
66 SUMMARY This study was conducted to determine the effects of low temperatures on the control of almond moth (Cadra cautella walk.) (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae), the main storage pest of dried figs. In the trial, four temperatures, -10°C, -20°C, -30°C and -40°C were tested in order to sterilize the figs entering a packing house or a storage room within the shortest avai lable time and to provide a 100 % control over C. cautella. Eggs, young larvae and mature larvae of C. cautella were treated, at each tested temperature, during 0, 3, 6, 12 and 24 minutes. The mentioned temperatures represent the temperature of the center point within the fruit, and the durations represent the time after the mid-point reaches that temperatures» The low temperatures were applied in the freezing tunnel to provide rapid freezing. The eggs of the pest were placed in specially designed plastic boxes and larvae inside individual dried figs prior to freezing in the tunnel. Prior to and during low temperature applicati ons, temperature variations of the environments in which different biological stages of the pest were placed were recorded. The development of the remaining alive insects into adults was investigated and periods and rations were calculated. At -10°C and -20°C, the death rates of the eggs young larvae and mature larvae stages of C. cautella were incre ased as the application period was extended. The correlations67 between the duration and its effect on the examined biolo gical stage were found to be positive, linear and statis tical significant. The highest death rate at -10°C was obta ined with the longest application (24 minutes). However, this effect did not exceed 50 %. At -20°C, 100 % death was obtained with 12 and 24 minutes. On the other hand 100 % death was obtained at -30 C and -40 C even with the shor test period. The ratio individuals which were not effected at -10°C and -20 C and which turned into adults was above 50 %. It was also found out that these adults lied almost fer tile eggs. These results show that the tested periods at -10 C and -20 C do not overcome the risk of infestation by Ccautella. Statistical evaluation of the data revealed that low temperature and the length of the treatment period are inter related in terms of effective control of Ccautella. As the temperature decreased/ the death rate of the individuals at the egg and larvae stages increased, a similar effect appeared as the treatment period was extended at the same temperature. As the result of these analyses, from the point of view of obtaining 100 % death, 12 and 24 minutes at -20°C and all the tested periods at -30°C and -40°C pro ved to be similar. The results derived from this experiment support the view that low temperature application could be an effective68 mean to control C.cautella and especially will be of great value in the exportation of organically produced figs. In selecting the most appropriate combination of duration and temperature, each processing plant should take into consi deration its own management conditions especially in terms of time and energy consumption.
66 SUMMARY This study was conducted to determine the effects of low temperatures on the control of almond moth (Cadra cautella walk.) (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae), the main storage pest of dried figs. In the trial, four temperatures, -10°C, -20°C, -30°C and -40°C were tested in order to sterilize the figs entering a packing house or a storage room within the shortest avai lable time and to provide a 100 % control over C. cautella. Eggs, young larvae and mature larvae of C. cautella were treated, at each tested temperature, during 0, 3, 6, 12 and 24 minutes. The mentioned temperatures represent the temperature of the center point within the fruit, and the durations represent the time after the mid-point reaches that temperatures» The low temperatures were applied in the freezing tunnel to provide rapid freezing. The eggs of the pest were placed in specially designed plastic boxes and larvae inside individual dried figs prior to freezing in the tunnel. Prior to and during low temperature applicati ons, temperature variations of the environments in which different biological stages of the pest were placed were recorded. The development of the remaining alive insects into adults was investigated and periods and rations were calculated. At -10°C and -20°C, the death rates of the eggs young larvae and mature larvae stages of C. cautella were incre ased as the application period was extended. The correlations67 between the duration and its effect on the examined biolo gical stage were found to be positive, linear and statis tical significant. The highest death rate at -10°C was obta ined with the longest application (24 minutes). However, this effect did not exceed 50 %. At -20°C, 100 % death was obtained with 12 and 24 minutes. On the other hand 100 % death was obtained at -30 C and -40 C even with the shor test period. The ratio individuals which were not effected at -10°C and -20 C and which turned into adults was above 50 %. It was also found out that these adults lied almost fer tile eggs. These results show that the tested periods at -10 C and -20 C do not overcome the risk of infestation by Ccautella. Statistical evaluation of the data revealed that low temperature and the length of the treatment period are inter related in terms of effective control of Ccautella. As the temperature decreased/ the death rate of the individuals at the egg and larvae stages increased, a similar effect appeared as the treatment period was extended at the same temperature. As the result of these analyses, from the point of view of obtaining 100 % death, 12 and 24 minutes at -20°C and all the tested periods at -30°C and -40°C pro ved to be similar. The results derived from this experiment support the view that low temperature application could be an effective68 mean to control C.cautella and especially will be of great value in the exportation of organically produced figs. In selecting the most appropriate combination of duration and temperature, each processing plant should take into consi deration its own management conditions especially in terms of time and energy consumption.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bitki koruma, Plant protection, Düşük sıcaklık, Low temprature, Ephestia cautella, Ephestia cautella, Kuru incir, Dried fig, Lepidoptera, ; Lepidoptera, Lepidoptera, Pul kanatlılar, Moths and butterflies, Pyralidae, Pyralidae, Zararlı böcekler, Insect pests, İncir kurdu, Cadra cautella Walk.(Lepidoptera, Pyralidae)