Devletoğlu Yusuf, Vikaye tercümesi metin dil incelemesi
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TÜRKÇE ABSTRAK (En fâzla 250 sözcük) (TÜBİTAK / TURDOK'un Abstrak Hazırlama Kılavuzuna Bakınız) Vikaye Tercümesi XV. yüzyılın fıkıh konusunda yazılmış önemli mesnevilerindendir. Balıkesirli Devletoğlu Yusuf bu eserini Edirne'de II. Murat'a sunar. Eserin başlangıç bölümünde şair kendisi ve devri hakkında bilgiler verir ve Türkçeyi savunur. Asıl metin kısmında fikıh konulan ele alınır. Dört nüshanın karşılaştırılmasından oluşan bu eser üç ana bölümden ibarettir. Giriş, metin ve sözlük. Girişte Eski Anadolu Türkçesi ve Devletoğlu Yûsuf hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Eserin dil incelemesi de bu bölüm içindedir. Metin Mevlâna (M), Süleymaniye (Sü), Süleymaniye (S.) ve Balıkesir (B.) nüshalarının karşılaştırılmasından oluşmuştur. Sözlüğe metindeki bütün kelimeler alınmıştır. Çalışma, eser hakkında genel bir değerlendirmenin yapıldığı sonuçla biter
İNGİLİZCE ABSTRAK (En fezla 250 sözcük) Vikaye Tercümesi "The Translation of Vikaye" is one of the most important mesnevis (mesnevi is a poetry in rhymed couplets) which was written about fikıh (fıkıh is Islamic law) Devletoğlu Yusuf, who is from Balıkesir, dedicated his work to Murad II. The poet had given some knowledges about himself and his period in the Introduction part of the work. And he had defended Turkish language. He had taken the issues of Islamic law at the main part of his work. The work which is formed of the comparison of four copies is consist of three main parts. In the Introduction part, there are informations about old Anatolian Turkish and Devletoğlu Yusuf. The study of language is also in the same part. The text is composed of the comparison of Mevlana, Süley maniye, Siileymaniye and Balıkesir copies. All the words in the text is inserted to the glossary. Our study finished with a general evaluation about the work. wnidmumsfmmMmidi
İNGİLİZCE ABSTRAK (En fezla 250 sözcük) Vikaye Tercümesi "The Translation of Vikaye" is one of the most important mesnevis (mesnevi is a poetry in rhymed couplets) which was written about fikıh (fıkıh is Islamic law) Devletoğlu Yusuf, who is from Balıkesir, dedicated his work to Murad II. The poet had given some knowledges about himself and his period in the Introduction part of the work. And he had defended Turkish language. He had taken the issues of Islamic law at the main part of his work. The work which is formed of the comparison of four copies is consist of three main parts. In the Introduction part, there are informations about old Anatolian Turkish and Devletoğlu Yusuf. The study of language is also in the same part. The text is composed of the comparison of Mevlana, Süley maniye, Siileymaniye and Balıkesir copies. All the words in the text is inserted to the glossary. Our study finished with a general evaluation about the work. wnidmumsfmmMmidi
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, Devletoğlu Yusuf, Devletoğlu Yusuf, Dil bilgisi, Grammar, Eski Anadolu Türkçesi, Old Anatolian Turkish, Vikaye, Vikaye, Çeviri, Translation