İzmir Körfezi'nde bulunan bazı tulumlu (Tunicata, Ascidiacea)'ların nöral komplekslerinin karşılaştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İzmir Körfezi'nden 1997-1999 tarihleri arasında toplanan Ascidiacea klassisindeki örneklerin sistematik ayırımları yapıldıktan sonra belirlenen 6 türün nöral kompleks elemanları Öber (1975)' in Ciona intestinalis ile olan çalışması doğrultusunda rutin ışık mikroskobu metotları ile ele alınmış ve bu yapılar karşılaştınlmıştır. Serebral ganglion şeklinin iğ yapısından sferiğe kadar değişebildiği görülmüştür. Dışarıdan bir kapsül ile çevrili olan gangliondan çıkan anterior ve posterior sinirlerin sayılan türlere göre farklıdır. Nörosekresyon hücreleri genellikle ganglionun periferinde olup, boyutları ile içerikleri türlere ve sekresyon aktiviteİerine bağlı olarak değişiklik gösterir. Nöral bez Enterogona ordosu üyelerindeganglionun ventralinde, Pleurogona ordosu üyelerinde ise dorsalinde yer alır. Nöral bez gün içerisinde "Retiküle", "Kompakt" ve "Retifcüle- Periferik" olmak üzere değişik fazlarda bulunur. Çalışma esnasında nöral bez bazı örneklerde sadece bir tek fazı gösterirken, bazılarında her üç fazda da görülmüştür. Nöral bezin farinkse uzanan kanalı, silli huni ile son bulur. Silli huninin duvarı basit ya da komplike katlanmalarla dorsal tüberkülü oluşturur. Dorsal tüberkül yapısı türlere göre farklı olmakla birlikte aynı tür içerisinde de değişiklikler göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ascidiacea, Nöral Kompleks, İzmir Körfezi
Upon classification of the samples of Classis Ascidiacea collected from Izmir Bay over a period of 1997-1999, the neural complex was studied comparatively by routine light microscopic observations in six species according to Öber's (1975) studies on Ciona intestinalis. Cerebral ganglion was found to be encapsulated and to change from a spindle to spherical in shape. The number of anterior and posterior nerve fibers extending from the ganglion varied in different species.Neurosecretory cells, peripherally located in the ganglion showed dissimilarity in their size and contents according to their secretion activities and in relation to spesification. Neural gland was situated at the ventral of the cerebral ganglion in Order Enterogona but was found at the dorsal in Order Pleurogona. The neural gland diurnally alternates in three phases- Reticule, Compact and Reticule-Peripheric. Only one phase observed in same samples under study while all three phases could be followed in others. Neural canal extending from the neural gland ends at the pharynx with a cilliated-funnel whose wall forms a dorsal tubercule by means of simple or complicated foldings. The structure of the tubercule differs within a species as well with the species distriction. Key Words: Ascidiacea, Neural Complex, Izmir Bay
Upon classification of the samples of Classis Ascidiacea collected from Izmir Bay over a period of 1997-1999, the neural complex was studied comparatively by routine light microscopic observations in six species according to Öber's (1975) studies on Ciona intestinalis. Cerebral ganglion was found to be encapsulated and to change from a spindle to spherical in shape. The number of anterior and posterior nerve fibers extending from the ganglion varied in different species.Neurosecretory cells, peripherally located in the ganglion showed dissimilarity in their size and contents according to their secretion activities and in relation to spesification. Neural gland was situated at the ventral of the cerebral ganglion in Order Enterogona but was found at the dorsal in Order Pleurogona. The neural gland diurnally alternates in three phases- Reticule, Compact and Reticule-Peripheric. Only one phase observed in same samples under study while all three phases could be followed in others. Neural canal extending from the neural gland ends at the pharynx with a cilliated-funnel whose wall forms a dorsal tubercule by means of simple or complicated foldings. The structure of the tubercule differs within a species as well with the species distriction. Key Words: Ascidiacea, Neural Complex, Izmir Bay
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Ascidiacea, Ascidiacea, Sinir ağları, Nerve net, Tulumlular, Ascidians, Tunicata, Tunicata, İzmir Körfezi, İzmir Bay