Honaz'ın Cumhuriyet Devrinde ki sosyal ve ekonomik gelişmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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TÜRKÇE ABSTRACT (En fazla 250 sözcük) Denizli'nin bir ilçe merkezi olan Honaz, uzun bir tarihe sahiptir. İlk adı Kolossae olan, sonra Khonai adında bir şehir olan Honaz, 1070 yılında Türklerin eline geçtikten sonra Honaz ismini almıştı. 1429'da ise Osmanlı Devleti'ne bağlanan Honaz, 1923'te Cumhuriyetin kurulmasıyla beraber yeni bir döneme girdi. Cumhuriyetin kurulmasıyla beraber Honaz tarihi önemli bir dönüm noktasında geldi. Çünkü mübadelenin uygulanmasıyla yüzyıllar boyunca Honaz' da oturmuş olan Rumlar Honaz terkedip Yunanistan'in Selanik bölgesinde oturan Türkler Honaz'a yerleşecekti. Bu mübadiller, Honaz'a alışmakta zorluk çekecekti, ancak kendilerini toparlayıp Honaz yaşamına uyum sağlayacaktı. Rumların gidip mübadillerin gelmesi Honaz 'in ekonomisini de etkileyecekti. Rumların yaptığı bazı meslekler de boşluk doğduysa da Honazlılar bu boşluğu çabuk kapatacaktı. Ziraatın temel ekonomik faaliyeti olan Honaz' in tarım yöntemini çabuk öğrenen mübadiller de hem ziraatta hem diğer işlerde başarı gösterdiler. 1948 'den sonra motorlu araçların Honaz'a gelmesi gibi gelişmeler, Honaz ekonomisinin çabuk gelişmesine neden oldu. Honazlılar eğitimi önemsediği için çocukları okutmaya özen gösterdiler. Bu yüzden Honazlılann eğitim düzeyi oldukça yüksekti ve zaman geçtikçe daha da yükseliyordu. Honaz halkın gelenenklerinde mübadiller ve yerliler arasında bazı farklılıklar vardı. Ancak, zaman geçtikçe gelenekler de değişiyordu ve yeni gelenekler sayesinde aradaki farklar da azalmaya başladı. Kısa olarak, Honaz' m Cumhuriyet döneminde bazı değişikliklere uğradığı söylenebilir. Bu değişikler yaşamın her alanında - ekonmik, sosyal, ve kültürel alanlarında - gerçekleşmiştir
İNGİLİZCE ABSTRACT (En fazla 250 sözcük) A county center in Denizli Province, Honaz has a long history. Its old names were Colossae and Chonae. When Turks conquered this city in 1070, they started to call this city Honaz. Annexed by the Ottoman Empire in 1429, in 1923 Honaz was moving into another era as the Republic of Turkey was formed. The first important change in the time of Republic was the Population Exchange. Greek people who lived in Honaz for centuries left Honaz, and Turks from Greece moved to Honaz. These new comers had difficult time in adjusting to the new life in Honaz, but they would eventually learn to adopt. The Population Exchange also influenced the economy of Honaz. When Greeks left Honaz economy suffered from the lack of some essencial works. However, people of Honaz recovered from this loss quickly. In this deveolopment, new comers' contribution was quite significant. After 1948, with the introduction of automobiles and tractors, Honaz economy say great development. The education level in Honaz was high by the standard of that time. As the time goes by the education level rose even higher. There were some variations in the customs of Honaz, especially between old residents and new comers. As the time goes by, however, new customs would develop and the differences was not as sharp as before. In conclusion, Honaz faced with some changes after the Republic of Turkey was formed. This changes were experienced in all different areas including economic, social, and cultural areas.
İNGİLİZCE ABSTRACT (En fazla 250 sözcük) A county center in Denizli Province, Honaz has a long history. Its old names were Colossae and Chonae. When Turks conquered this city in 1070, they started to call this city Honaz. Annexed by the Ottoman Empire in 1429, in 1923 Honaz was moving into another era as the Republic of Turkey was formed. The first important change in the time of Republic was the Population Exchange. Greek people who lived in Honaz for centuries left Honaz, and Turks from Greece moved to Honaz. These new comers had difficult time in adjusting to the new life in Honaz, but they would eventually learn to adopt. The Population Exchange also influenced the economy of Honaz. When Greeks left Honaz economy suffered from the lack of some essencial works. However, people of Honaz recovered from this loss quickly. In this deveolopment, new comers' contribution was quite significant. After 1948, with the introduction of automobiles and tractors, Honaz economy say great development. The education level in Honaz was high by the standard of that time. As the time goes by the education level rose even higher. There were some variations in the customs of Honaz, especially between old residents and new comers. As the time goes by, however, new customs would develop and the differences was not as sharp as before. In conclusion, Honaz faced with some changes after the Republic of Turkey was formed. This changes were experienced in all different areas including economic, social, and cultural areas.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarih, History, Cumhuriyet Dönemi, Republican Period, Denizli-Honaz, Denizli-Honaz, Ekonomik hayat, Economic life, Milli Mücadele, National Struggle, Milli Mücadele, National Struggle, Sosyal hayat, Social life