İzmir ilinde serolojik olarak tanısıkonabilen bazı bulaşıcı hastalıklarda laboratuvar tanılarının sürveyansa katkısı
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
6. ÖZET ÖZET Laboratuvar tanı olanaklarının gelişmesiyle günümüzde birçok bulaşıcı hastalığın tanısı laboratuvarlarda doğrulanmaktadır. Birçok ülkede laboratuvarlar, bulaşıcı hastalık sürveyans sistemlerinin bir parçasıdır. Bu araştırmanın amaçları, serolojik laboratuvar tanılarının bulaşıcı hastalık sürveyansına olası katkısını belirlemek, bildirim verilerini toplama yöntemlerini (laboratuvarlardan aktif veri toplama, elektronik bildirimler ve klinisyen bildirimleri) değerlendirmektir. Çalışmada İzmir ilinde 2003 yılının ilk altı ayında kızamık, hepatit A, B, C, bruselloz, sifiliz ve HIV enfeksiyonuna dair laboratuvarlarda saptanan pozitif sonuçlarla ilgili veriler DSÖ sürveyans kriterlerine göre toplanıp İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü'ne bildirilen aynı döneme ait olgularla karşılaştmlmıştır. Bazı hastalıkların insidansları, yakala-tekrar yakala yöntemi ile tahmin edilmiştir. İzmir'de serolojik test uygulanan kurumların (n=154) kamuda %93,2'si ve özelde %80,5'i çalışmaya katılmayı kabul etmiş ve bu laboratuvarlardan 11.165 pozitif sonuçla ilgili veri toplanmıştır. Sonuçların %20,1'i elektronik olarak gönderilmiştir. Laboratuvarlarda kızamıkla ilgili tek bir olgu saptanırken Müdürlüğe %74,4'ü birinci basamak kurumlar tarafından olmak üzere 207 olgu bildirilmişti. Laboratuvarlarda 303 hepatit A olgusu saptandı. 352 bildirimin ancak 90'ı laboratuvar listesiyle ortaktı. Hepatit A'nm altı aylık insidans hızı, yüzbinde 33,6 olarak tahmin edildi. Laboratuvarlar, bildirimlere %60,5 oranında bir katkı sağlamıştı. Laboratuvarlarda akut hepatit B geçiren 159 olgu, toplamda da 4736 olgu saptandı. Müdürlükteki bildirim sayısı 121'di ve olguların sırasıyla 11'i ve 65'i ortaktı. Hepatit C sürveyans kriterlerini sağlayan 88 olgu ve 55 bildirim saptandı, bunların ancak ikisi ortaktı. Toplam 1029 HCV olgusu saptanmıştı. 98Brusellozda laboratuvar olgularının ancak %25,3'ü, sifilizde %27,0'sl bildirilmişti ve insidanslar sırasıyla 6,0 ve 5,0 olarak tahmin edildi. HIV olgularının %100'ü bildirilmişti. Olguların büyük çoğunluğu kamu kurumlarında saptanmıştı. Hepatit A, B, C, bruselloz ve sifilizde laboratuvar verilerinin sürveyansa önemli düzeyde katkısı olmuştur. Seçilmiş hastalıklarda seçilmiş parametrelerin laboratuvar sürveyansının en azından olguların büyük çoğunluğunu saptayan kurumlardan yapılması yararlı olacaktır. 99
ABSTRACT Many communicable diseases are diagnosed in laboratories and many countries have integrated laboratories into their surveillance systems. The aims of this research were to determine the possible contribution of serologic laboratory diagnoses into communicable disease statistics and to evaluate several notification methods (active data collection from laboratories, electronic notifications and clinicians' notifications). Positive laboratory results for measles, hepatitis A, B, C, brucellosis, syphilis and HIV for the first six months of 2003 in Izmir were collected according to WHO surveillance standards and were compared with the notifications received by the Provincial Health Directorate of Izmir for the same period. The incidence of some of these diseases were estimated with the capture-recapture method. Among laboratories performing serologic tests (n=154), 93.2% in the public and 80.5% in the private sector accepted to participate in the research. Data about 11,165 positive results were collected from laboratories. 20.1% of these were received electronically. Only one measles case was diagnosed in laboratories. The Directorate had received 207 notifications and 74.4% were from primary health care centers. 303 cases of hepatitis A were detected in laboratories. Only 90 of the 352 notifications were common with the laboratory list. The six-month incidence rate of hepatitis A was estimated to be 33.6/1 00,000. Laboratories had made a 60.5% contribution to the notifications. 159 cases of acute hepatitis B and overall 4736 hepatitis B cases were detected in laboratories. 121 cases were notified and 11 and 65 of them were common with the laboratory lists, respectively. 88 cases meeting the surveillance standards of hepatitis C were detected versus 55 notifications, only two of them common. A total of 1029 HCV cases were detected. 25.3% and 27.0% of the cases of brucellosis and syphilis were n otified, respectively a nd i ncidence rates were e stimated to be 6.0 a nd 5.0. 100% of HIV cases were notified. The vast majority of the cases were detected in public laboratories. 100For hepatitis A, B, C, brucellosis and syphilis, the collection of laboratory diagnosis data has made an important contribution to their surveillance. The surveillance of selected laboratory parameters for selected diseases from at least laboratories detecting the m ajority of cases will enhance communicable disease surveillance. 101
ABSTRACT Many communicable diseases are diagnosed in laboratories and many countries have integrated laboratories into their surveillance systems. The aims of this research were to determine the possible contribution of serologic laboratory diagnoses into communicable disease statistics and to evaluate several notification methods (active data collection from laboratories, electronic notifications and clinicians' notifications). Positive laboratory results for measles, hepatitis A, B, C, brucellosis, syphilis and HIV for the first six months of 2003 in Izmir were collected according to WHO surveillance standards and were compared with the notifications received by the Provincial Health Directorate of Izmir for the same period. The incidence of some of these diseases were estimated with the capture-recapture method. Among laboratories performing serologic tests (n=154), 93.2% in the public and 80.5% in the private sector accepted to participate in the research. Data about 11,165 positive results were collected from laboratories. 20.1% of these were received electronically. Only one measles case was diagnosed in laboratories. The Directorate had received 207 notifications and 74.4% were from primary health care centers. 303 cases of hepatitis A were detected in laboratories. Only 90 of the 352 notifications were common with the laboratory list. The six-month incidence rate of hepatitis A was estimated to be 33.6/1 00,000. Laboratories had made a 60.5% contribution to the notifications. 159 cases of acute hepatitis B and overall 4736 hepatitis B cases were detected in laboratories. 121 cases were notified and 11 and 65 of them were common with the laboratory lists, respectively. 88 cases meeting the surveillance standards of hepatitis C were detected versus 55 notifications, only two of them common. A total of 1029 HCV cases were detected. 25.3% and 27.0% of the cases of brucellosis and syphilis were n otified, respectively a nd i ncidence rates were e stimated to be 6.0 a nd 5.0. 100% of HIV cases were notified. The vast majority of the cases were detected in public laboratories. 100For hepatitis A, B, C, brucellosis and syphilis, the collection of laboratory diagnosis data has made an important contribution to their surveillance. The surveillance of selected laboratory parameters for selected diseases from at least laboratories detecting the m ajority of cases will enhance communicable disease surveillance. 101
Anahtar Kelimeler
Halk Sağlığı, Public Health