Regio frontalis'teki anatomik yapıların topografik ilişkisinin değerlendirilmesi: Bu ilişkilerin ilgili bilim alanlarındaki öneminin ortaya konması
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Başağrıları, toplumda en yaygın yakınmalardan biridir. Ömür boyu en az bir kez başağrısı yaşayan kişi oranı, erkeklerde % 93, kadınlarda % 99 olmak üzere; genel popülasyonda %90’ın üzerindedir. (2). Baş ağrıları, Uluslararası Baş Ağrısı Topluluğu tarafından yapılan sınıflandırmaya göre; primer baş ağrıları, sekonder baş ağrıları ve diğer tip baş ağrıları olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Bu sınıflandırmada, primer baş ağrılarının merkezi sinir sistemi ile ilişkisi yoktur; sekonder baş ağrılarıysa merkezi sinir sistemi ya da sistemik bir rahatsızlığa bağlıdır. Yapılan çalışmalarda, primer başağrısının en sık nedeninin gerilim tipi baş ağrısı olduğu söylense de; Türk Başağrısı Çalışma Grubu’nun araştırmasında, bunların çoğunluğunun migren başağrısı ile kombine olduğu söylenmektedir. Migren baş ağrıları; Regio frontalis, Regio temporalis veya Regio occipitalis yerleşimli olabilir. Migren patogenezi, ağrıya duyarlı yapılar olan meninksler ve kan damarlarının yanı sıra, beyin parankimindeki kortikal ve subkortikal birçok yapıyı ilgilendirir. Tedavi yöntemlerinden biri olan Tuzak nöropatilerinin belirlenmesi, Regio frontalis’deki tuzak noktalarının tespit edilmesi, ve bu noktaların rahatlatılması invazif tedavi yöntemlerindendir. Bir diğer tedavi yöntemi de, Botilinum toksini A enjeksiyonudur. Artan refah düzeyi ve kişisel bakım miktarına bağlı olarak, gün geçtikçe kişiler yüzleriyle daha fazla ilgilenmektedir. En fazla ilgilenilen alanlardan birisi de, Regio frontalis’dir. Bu bölgede tümörlere, travmalara vb nedenlere bağlı yapılan rekonstrüktif cerrahiler kadar, estetik uygulamalar da yaygınlaşmaktadır.
Yapılan tez çalışmasında, Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Anatomi Anabilim Dalı’ndaki % 10 formalin ile fikse edilmiş 20 adet insan kafası kullanılarak; Regio frontalis’deki yapıların topografik olarak diseksiyonu yapıldı. Belirlenen ölçümler yapıldı ve istatistiksel olarak analiz edildi. Literatürdeki ölçümlerle, tarafımızdan yapılan ölçümler karşılaştırılarak değerlendirildiİstatistiksel analizler, IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 paket programı kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Verilerin cinsiyet bazında ve değişken bazında normal dağılıp dağılmadıkları, Shapiro Wilk Testi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Anlamlılık değeri olarak, P değeri 0.05 baz alınarak yapılan değerlendirme sonucunda; normal dağılıma uyumlu olup olmadıkları incelenmiştir. Normal dağılıma uygun olanlara, non parametrik testlerden biri olan Mann Whitney U testi uygulanmıştır. Normal dağılıma uygun olmayanlar için ise, parametrik testlerden birisi olan T testi kullanılmıştır. Yapılan ölçümler sonucunda, Regio frontalis’teki yapıların çok fazla varyasyon gösterebileceği, ve bu varyasyonların ancak, yapılan farklı çalışmalar ile tespit edilebileceği görülmüştür. Cerrahi ve estetik yaklaşımlarda, bulunan ölçümlerin faydalı olacağı; tedavi esnasında, bu bölgedeki yapıların anatomisinin iyi bilinmesinin ne kadar önemli olduğu yeniden anlaşılmıştır.
Headaches are one of the most common complaints in the community. The rate of people experiencing headache at least once in their lifetime is 93% in men and 99% in women; it is over 90% in the general population. (2nd). According to the classification made by the International Headache Society; They are classified as primary headaches, secondary headaches, and other types of headaches. In this classification, primary headaches are not related to the central nervous system; Secondary headaches are due to a central nervous system or a systemic disease. Although it is stated in the studies that the most common cause of primary headache is tension headache; In the study of the Turkish Headache Study Group, it is said that most of them are combined with migraine headache. Migraine headaches; It may be located in Regio frontalis, Regio temporalis or Regio occipitalis. The pathogenesis of migraine concerns many cortical and subcortical structures in the brain parenchyma, as well as the meninges and blood vessels, which are pain-sensitive structures. Determination of entrapment neuropathies, detection of trap points in Regio frontalis, and relief of these points are invasive treatment methods. Another treatment method is Botulinum toxin A injection. Due to the increasing level of well-being and the amount of personal care, people are increasingly interested in their faces. One of the areas of most interest is Regio frontalis. In this region, aesthetic applications are becoming widespread as well as reconstructive surgeries performed due to tumors, traumas, etc. In the thesis study, using 20 human heads fixed with 10% Formalin in the Department of Anatomy of Ege University Faculty of Medicine; Topographical dissection of the structures in the Regio frontalis was performed. The determined measurements were made and analyzed statistically. The measurements in the literature and the measurements made by us were compared and evaluated. Statistical analyzes were carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 package program. Whether the data were normally distributed on the basis of gender and variable was evaluated with the Shapiro Wilk Test. As a result of the evaluation made on the basis of P value 0.05 as the significance value; whether they are compatible with the normal distribution or not. Mann Whitney U test, one of the non-parametric tests, was applied to those suitable for normal distribution. T test, one of the parametric tests, was used for those who were not suitable for normal distribution. As a result of the measurements made, it has been observed that the structures in Regio frontalis can show a lot of variation, and these variations can only be detected by different studies. The measurements found will be beneficial in surgical and aesthetic approaches; During the treatment, it was understood again how important it is to know the anatomy of the structures in this region.
Headaches are one of the most common complaints in the community. The rate of people experiencing headache at least once in their lifetime is 93% in men and 99% in women; it is over 90% in the general population. (2nd). According to the classification made by the International Headache Society; They are classified as primary headaches, secondary headaches, and other types of headaches. In this classification, primary headaches are not related to the central nervous system; Secondary headaches are due to a central nervous system or a systemic disease. Although it is stated in the studies that the most common cause of primary headache is tension headache; In the study of the Turkish Headache Study Group, it is said that most of them are combined with migraine headache. Migraine headaches; It may be located in Regio frontalis, Regio temporalis or Regio occipitalis. The pathogenesis of migraine concerns many cortical and subcortical structures in the brain parenchyma, as well as the meninges and blood vessels, which are pain-sensitive structures. Determination of entrapment neuropathies, detection of trap points in Regio frontalis, and relief of these points are invasive treatment methods. Another treatment method is Botulinum toxin A injection. Due to the increasing level of well-being and the amount of personal care, people are increasingly interested in their faces. One of the areas of most interest is Regio frontalis. In this region, aesthetic applications are becoming widespread as well as reconstructive surgeries performed due to tumors, traumas, etc. In the thesis study, using 20 human heads fixed with 10% Formalin in the Department of Anatomy of Ege University Faculty of Medicine; Topographical dissection of the structures in the Regio frontalis was performed. The determined measurements were made and analyzed statistically. The measurements in the literature and the measurements made by us were compared and evaluated. Statistical analyzes were carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 package program. Whether the data were normally distributed on the basis of gender and variable was evaluated with the Shapiro Wilk Test. As a result of the evaluation made on the basis of P value 0.05 as the significance value; whether they are compatible with the normal distribution or not. Mann Whitney U test, one of the non-parametric tests, was applied to those suitable for normal distribution. T test, one of the parametric tests, was used for those who were not suitable for normal distribution. As a result of the measurements made, it has been observed that the structures in Regio frontalis can show a lot of variation, and these variations can only be detected by different studies. The measurements found will be beneficial in surgical and aesthetic approaches; During the treatment, it was understood again how important it is to know the anatomy of the structures in this region.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Migren, Medikal Estetik, Arteria Supratrochlearis, Arteria Supraorbitalis, Nervus Supratrochlearis, Nervus Supraorbitalis, Migraine, Medical Aesthetics, Arteria Supratrochlearis, Arteria Supraorbitalis, Nervus Supratrochlearis, Nervus Supraorbitalis