Kalp transplantasyonu sonrasındaki neoplastik hastalıklar: Klinik deneyim ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi
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Artmış malignite riski kalp transplantasyonun iyi bilinen bir komplikasyonudur. Bu yazıda post-transplant malignite insidansı ve klinik görünümü değerlendirilmektedir. Şubat 1998 ile Mart 2003 arasında 27 olguya kalp transplantasyonu uygulanmıştır. Operasyon sonrası 2 aydan daha uzun takip uygulanan olgular neoplastik hastalık gelişimi açısından araştırılmışlardır. Transplantasyon sonrasında 2 aydan daha uzun süre takip edilen 22 olgunun üç tanesinde (%13.6) neoplastik hastalık gelişmiştir. Post-transplant lenfoproliferatif hastalık ve Kaposi sarkomu sırasıyla malinyitelerin %67’si (iki olgu) ve %33’ünü (bir olgu) oluşturmaktadır. Transplantasyon sırasındaki ortalama yaş 51’dir. Transplantasyon ile malignite gelişimi arasındaki ortanca süre 14 aydır (2-30 ay). Allogreftin lenfoma tarafından makroskopik tutulumu bir olguda gözlenmiştir. Bu olguda tanı postmortem incelemede konulmuştur. Diğer iki olguda tedavi sonrası takip döneminde tümör rekürrensi gelişmemiştir. Post-transplant neoplastik hastalıkların büyük bölümü uzun takip dönemi sonrasında gözlenmekle birlikte, bazı maligniteler, özellikle lenfoproliferatif hastalık erken postoperatif dönemde ortaya çıkabilmektedir.
Increased risk of malignancy is a well-known complication of heart transplantation. in this report the incidence and the clinical presentation of post-transplant malignancy were evaluated. Between February 1998 and March 2003, 27 patients underwent heart transplantation. Heart transplantation recipients with more than 2 months follow-up were investigated for neoplastic disorders. Neoplastic diseases developed in three of 22 patients (13.6%) who survived more than 2 months. Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease in 2 patients and Kaposi‘s sarcoma in 1 patient were the underlying malignancies. Mean age at transplantation was 51 years. the median time between transplantation and detection of a malignancy was 14 months with a range of 2 to 30 months. Macroscopic involvement of the allograft by lymphoma occurred in one patient. the diagnosis was made at postmortem examination in this patient. the other two patients have no evidence of tumor recurrence after treatment at follow-up. Although the majority of post-transplant tumours occur after a relatively long period of follow-up, some malignancies, especially lymphoproliferative disorders, may appear in the early post-transplant period.
Increased risk of malignancy is a well-known complication of heart transplantation. in this report the incidence and the clinical presentation of post-transplant malignancy were evaluated. Between February 1998 and March 2003, 27 patients underwent heart transplantation. Heart transplantation recipients with more than 2 months follow-up were investigated for neoplastic disorders. Neoplastic diseases developed in three of 22 patients (13.6%) who survived more than 2 months. Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease in 2 patients and Kaposi‘s sarcoma in 1 patient were the underlying malignancies. Mean age at transplantation was 51 years. the median time between transplantation and detection of a malignancy was 14 months with a range of 2 to 30 months. Macroscopic involvement of the allograft by lymphoma occurred in one patient. the diagnosis was made at postmortem examination in this patient. the other two patients have no evidence of tumor recurrence after treatment at follow-up. Although the majority of post-transplant tumours occur after a relatively long period of follow-up, some malignancies, especially lymphoproliferative disorders, may appear in the early post-transplant period.
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