Anaerobik egzersizin kan omentin-1 düzeyleri üzerine etkisi ve omentin-1 rs2274907 A>T ve rs2274908 G>A gen polimorfizmlerinin rolü
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş ve Amaç: Aerobik egzersizin, sağlıklı kilo yönetimi ile kısa süreli iştah düzenlemede etkili yöntem olduğu bilinmektedir. Fakat anaerobik egzersizin sağladığı bu faydalarda, Omentin-1 gibi iştah kontrolünde rolü olduğu bilinen bu hormonun etkileri net bilinmemektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; sağlıklı normal kilolu bireylerde anaerobik egzersiz antrenmanının kan omentin-1 düzeyleri üzerine etkisi ve omentin-1 rs2274907 A>T ve rs2274908 G>A gen polimorfizmlerinin rolünü araştırmaktır. Yöntem: 39 erkek sporcu (yaş: 20.69?2.50 yıl) ve 40 erkek sedanter (yaş: 2.35?3.50 yıl) bireyde dayanıklılık seviyelerini belirlemek amacıyla YOYO aralıklı toparlanma testi (seviye 1) yapılmıştır. Bu testten önce ve sonra elde edilen tokluk venöz kan örneklerinden omentin-1, interlökin -6, insülin, glukoz, kan lipid ve lipoprotein; total kolesterol, yüksek ve düşük yoğunluklu lipoprotein kolesterol, trigliserid, C-reaktif protein düzeyleri belirlendi. Sporcuların test sonrası glukoz, omentin-1 (p?0.001) ve insülin (p= 0.005) düzeyleri artarken sedanterlerde ise yalnızca glukoz (p?0.001) ve omentin-1 (p=0.001) düzeyleri artmıştır. Yalnızca sporcularda, test öncesi ve sonrası omentin-1 düzeyi ile vücut kitle indeksi arasında ve anlamlı pozitif ilişkiler bulundu. Ancak sporcu katılımcıların test öncesi (%36, p?0.05) ve egzersiz test (p=0.027) insülin düzeyleri sedanterlerinkinden daha küçüktü. Hem sporcularda hem de sedanterlerde YOYO endurans düzeyi ile test sonrası glukoz değerleri arasında anlamlı pozitif ilişkiler bulundu. Ancak elde edilen bu parametreler ile kan omentin-1 seviyeleri arasında benzer ilişkiler bulunmadı. Elde edilen bu sonuçlarda, katılımcıların yaptığı egzersizin anaerobik tipte bir egzersiz olmasının da etkisi olabilir
Introduction and aims: It is known that aerobik exercise is an effective method for healthy weight management and short-term appetite regulation. However, the effects of this hormone, which is known to have a role in appetite control, such as Omentin-1, in these benefits of anaerobic exercise are not clearly known. The aim of this study; To investigate the effect of anaerobic exercise training on blood omentin-1 levels in healthy normal weight individuals and the role of omentin-1 rs2274907 A>T and rs2274908 G>A gene polymorphisms. Method: In order to determine the endurance levels of 39 athletes (age: 20.69?2.50 years) and 40 sedentary (age: 2.35?3.50 years) individuals, the YOYO intermittent recovery test (level 1) was performed. Omentin-1, interleukin 6 , insulin and glucose, blood lipid and lipoprotein; total cholesterol, high and low density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride, C-reactive protein levels were determined from postprandial venous blood samples obtained before and after the YOYO test. While the post-test glucose, omentin-1 (p?0.001) and insulin (p=0.005) levels of athletes increased, only post-test glucose (p?0.001) and omentin-1 (p=0.001) levels increased in sedentary participants. Significant positive correlations were found between pre- and post-test omentin-1 levels and body mass index only in athletes. However, pre-test (36%, p? 0.05) and post-test (p= 0.027) insulin levels of the athletes were lower than those of the sedentary. A significant positive relationship was found between YOYO endurance level and post-test glucose values in both athletes and sedentary participants. However, no similar relationships were found between these parameters and blood omentin-1 levels. The fact that the exercise performed by participants was an anaerobic type exercise may also have an effect on these results.
Introduction and aims: It is known that aerobik exercise is an effective method for healthy weight management and short-term appetite regulation. However, the effects of this hormone, which is known to have a role in appetite control, such as Omentin-1, in these benefits of anaerobic exercise are not clearly known. The aim of this study; To investigate the effect of anaerobic exercise training on blood omentin-1 levels in healthy normal weight individuals and the role of omentin-1 rs2274907 A>T and rs2274908 G>A gene polymorphisms. Method: In order to determine the endurance levels of 39 athletes (age: 20.69?2.50 years) and 40 sedentary (age: 2.35?3.50 years) individuals, the YOYO intermittent recovery test (level 1) was performed. Omentin-1, interleukin 6 , insulin and glucose, blood lipid and lipoprotein; total cholesterol, high and low density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride, C-reactive protein levels were determined from postprandial venous blood samples obtained before and after the YOYO test. While the post-test glucose, omentin-1 (p?0.001) and insulin (p=0.005) levels of athletes increased, only post-test glucose (p?0.001) and omentin-1 (p=0.001) levels increased in sedentary participants. Significant positive correlations were found between pre- and post-test omentin-1 levels and body mass index only in athletes. However, pre-test (36%, p? 0.05) and post-test (p= 0.027) insulin levels of the athletes were lower than those of the sedentary. A significant positive relationship was found between YOYO endurance level and post-test glucose values in both athletes and sedentary participants. However, no similar relationships were found between these parameters and blood omentin-1 levels. The fact that the exercise performed by participants was an anaerobic type exercise may also have an effect on these results.
26.01.2023 tarihine kadar kullanımı yazar tarafından kısıtlanmıştır
Anahtar Kelimeler
Spor, Sports