Bazı ceviz çeşitlerinde çiçek tomurcuğu oluşumu ve verimlilik özellikleri üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
34 ÖZET Bu araştırma, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bit kileri Bölümünde 1991-1992 yıllarında 53-113 ve Yalova-3 ceviz çeşitlerinde morfolojik ayrım zamanı, dişi çiçek organ taslaklarının oluşumunu ve gelişimini; Payne, Hartley, Franquette, 53-113, 49-47, 52-61, Yalova-2 çeşitlerinde apomiktik meyve oluşumunu ve verimlilik özelliklerini incelemek amacıyla düzenlenmiştir. Dişi çiçek tomurcuğu örnekleri Mayıs ayından itibaren ceviz ağaçlarının çiçek açtığı Nisan ayına kadar onbeş günde bir alınmıştır. Alman tomurcuk örnekleri binoküler mikroskop altın da incelenmiştir. İncelenen tomurcuklarda öncelikle yaprak tas lakları oluşmuştur. Daha sonra genellikle ikili olan ileride di şi çiçeği oluşturacak büyüme konileri görülmüştür. Çeşitlerin dişi çiçek tomurcuğu farklılaşması 53-113 'de Haziran 'ın ikinci haftasında, Yalova-3 de Haziran 'in birinci haftasında meydana gel miştir. Dişi çiçek tomurcuklarında morfolojik ayrımdan hemen sonra brakte yaprağı ve kılıf, takibeden yılın ilkbaharında da çanak yaprakları ve dişi organ taslağı meydana gelmiştir. Çeşitler çiçek tozlarını farklı tarihlerde oluşturmuşlardır. Yalova-3 çeşidinde Mart ayının son haftasında 53-113 çeşidinde Nisan ayının ilk haftasında çiçek tozları oluşmuştur. 53-113 'de önce erkek çiçekler (15-22 Nisan ) sonra dişi çiçekler (20 Nisan-8 Mayıs), Yalova-3 çeşidinde de önce erkek çiçekler ( 6-10 Nisan) sonra di şi çiçekler (10-25 Nisan ) açmıştır Çeşitlerin apomiktik meyve oluşturup oluşturmadıkları kesin olarak belirlenememiştir. Payne, Hartley, 49-47, 52-61, Yalova-2 çeşitlerinde tepe ve yan tomurcuklardan meydana gelen sürgünlerde, genellikle ikili dişi çiçek görülmüştür. 53-113 çeşidinin tepe ve yan tomurcuklarından salkım şeklinde dişi çiçek oluşturma özelliği vardır. Franquette çeşidinde ise, sadece uç ve uçaltı tomurcuklardan meydana gelen sürgünlerde dişi çiçek teşekkülü görülmüştür
35 SUMMARY This research was carried out at the Department of Horticulture, Aegean University Faculty of Agriculture during the 1991-1992 period in order to establish the morphological differentiation time of flower buds in 53-113 and Yalova-3 walnut varieties and to study the formation and development of floral organs within the buds. Formation of apomictic fruits and fruitfulness of Payne, Hartley, Franquette, 53-113, 49-47, 52-61, Yalova-2 varieties were also investigated. Pistillate flower bud samples were taken every 15 days, starting from May 1991 until 1992 April, the blooming time of walnut trees. The pistillate flower bud samples were investiga ted under a binoculer microscope. In the pistillate flower buds öf the investigated walnut varieties, firstly, leaf primordia were formed. Then, pistillate flowers are most often formed in pairs within the buds. Pistillate flower bud differentiation of walnut varieties were found to occur in the second week of June in 53-113 and in the first week of June in Yalova -3 varieties, in the pistillate flower, involucre and bract were formed just after the bud differentiation and sepals and pistil were formed in the following spring. Pollens within the flower initials of walnut varieties were formed at different periods as; at the end of March in Yalova-3 and at the begin ning of April in 53-113. In 53-113 variety, firstly, staminate flowers (15-22 April) and then pistillate flowers (20 April-8 May) bloomed. In Yalova-3 firstly, staminate flowers (6-10 April ) and then pistillate flowers (10-25 April) opened. No apomictic fruit set was determinated in the varieties. Shoots which were formed from the terminal and lateral buds of Payne, Hartley, 49-47, 52-61, Yalova-2 varieties usually had two pistillate flowers. At the terminal and lateral buds of 53-113 variety there is a tendency to form a pistillate flower of the cluster type. Only at the shoots which were formed from the terminal and subterminal buds of Franquette, a formation of pistillate flowers were observed.
35 SUMMARY This research was carried out at the Department of Horticulture, Aegean University Faculty of Agriculture during the 1991-1992 period in order to establish the morphological differentiation time of flower buds in 53-113 and Yalova-3 walnut varieties and to study the formation and development of floral organs within the buds. Formation of apomictic fruits and fruitfulness of Payne, Hartley, Franquette, 53-113, 49-47, 52-61, Yalova-2 varieties were also investigated. Pistillate flower bud samples were taken every 15 days, starting from May 1991 until 1992 April, the blooming time of walnut trees. The pistillate flower bud samples were investiga ted under a binoculer microscope. In the pistillate flower buds öf the investigated walnut varieties, firstly, leaf primordia were formed. Then, pistillate flowers are most often formed in pairs within the buds. Pistillate flower bud differentiation of walnut varieties were found to occur in the second week of June in 53-113 and in the first week of June in Yalova -3 varieties, in the pistillate flower, involucre and bract were formed just after the bud differentiation and sepals and pistil were formed in the following spring. Pollens within the flower initials of walnut varieties were formed at different periods as; at the end of March in Yalova-3 and at the begin ning of April in 53-113. In 53-113 variety, firstly, staminate flowers (15-22 April) and then pistillate flowers (20 April-8 May) bloomed. In Yalova-3 firstly, staminate flowers (6-10 April ) and then pistillate flowers (10-25 April) opened. No apomictic fruit set was determinated in the varieties. Shoots which were formed from the terminal and lateral buds of Payne, Hartley, 49-47, 52-61, Yalova-2 varieties usually had two pistillate flowers. At the terminal and lateral buds of 53-113 variety there is a tendency to form a pistillate flower of the cluster type. Only at the shoots which were formed from the terminal and subterminal buds of Franquette, a formation of pistillate flowers were observed.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bahçe bitkileri, Horticultural crops, Ceviz, Walnut, Verim, Yield, Çiçeklenme, Flowering, Çiçeklenme zamanı, Flowering date