Çift-düzgün turnuvaların kuadratik rezidü turnuvalarla ilişkileri ve turnuvaların bir uygulaması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu çalışmanın birinci bölümünde, turnuva tanımı yapılarak, turnuvalara ilişkin temel kavramlar, turnuva tipleri ve bunlar arasındaki ilişkiler açıklanmıştır. ikinci bölümde turnuvaların skorları, matrisleri ve skew-Hadamard matrisi incelenmiş ve bu matris yardımıyla çift-düzgün turnuvaların elde edilişi gösterilmiş, bunlara ait tanım ve teoremler verilmiştir. Ayrıca kuadratik rezidü turnuvalar, k-bypass'Iar ve S, özelliği yardımıyla iki yeni sonuç ve teorem ortaya konulmuş ve ispatlanmıştır. Son bölüm, önceki bölümlerde verilen bilgilerin uygulamasına ayrılmış, I. ve II. Lig Basketbol karşılaşmalarının oluşturdukları graflar çizilerek incelenmiş, bu grafların birer indirgenebilir turnuva olduğu görülmüş ve buradan ilginç sonuçlara varılmıştır. 35
SUMMARY In the first chapter this thesis, by defining tournament, basic concepts related to tournaments and their types and relationship between them is explained. In the second chapter, scores of tournaments their matrices and skew-Hadamard matrix is studied and via this matrix we show how to get the double-regular tournaments and also we give some definitions and theorems about them. Furthermore, by quadratic residu tournaments, k-bypasses and the S, property we prove two new results and theorem. In the final chapter, we give the applications of the information given in the previous chapters. We study the basketball games in the 1st and 2nd league by drawing their graphs and we show that these are reducible graphs and we obtain very interesting results from them. - 35
SUMMARY In the first chapter this thesis, by defining tournament, basic concepts related to tournaments and their types and relationship between them is explained. In the second chapter, scores of tournaments their matrices and skew-Hadamard matrix is studied and via this matrix we show how to get the double-regular tournaments and also we give some definitions and theorems about them. Furthermore, by quadratic residu tournaments, k-bypasses and the S, property we prove two new results and theorem. In the final chapter, we give the applications of the information given in the previous chapters. We study the basketball games in the 1st and 2nd league by drawing their graphs and we show that these are reducible graphs and we obtain very interesting results from them. - 35
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Matematik, Mathematics, Basketbol, Basketball, Grafikler, Graphics, Matrisler, Matrices, Skorlar, Scores, Turnuva, Tournament