Kıvırcık ve dağlıç erkek kuzularında kimi üreme özelliklerinin mevsimsel değişimi
Küçük Resim Yok
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Cilt Başlığı
Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
117 ÖZET Bu araştırma, Kıvırcık ve Dağlıç erkek kuzuları nda kimi üreme özelliklerinin (eşeysel olgunluk, testis ölçüleri, sperma verim özellikleri ve eşeysel davranışlar vb.) mevsimsel değiş imlerinin belirlenmesi amacı yla yapı İmi ş ti r. Araştırma özdeğini, 60 ± 5 günlük 14 baş Kıvırcık erkek kuzusu ile 11 baş Dağlıç erkek kuzusu oluşturmuştur. Kuzulara, %16 ham protein ve 2600 kcal/ÇE içeren yoğun yem ile kuru yonca otu verilmiştir. Brkek kuzularda her 14 gün aralıklarla oniki ay süreyle testis ölçüleri bireysel olarak belirlenmiştir. Sperma verim özellikleri, eşeysel olgunlukla birlikte başlayarak 14 gün aralıklarla yapay vajen kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Eşeysel davranış ölçütleri ise yine eşeysel olgunlukla başlayarak 14 günde bir belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular şöyle Özetlenebilir: 1. İlk sperma verme yaşı.; Kıvırcık ve Dağlıç erkek kuzularında sırasıyla 144.35 ve 168.00 gün, dölleme yeteneğine sahip sperma verme yaşı ise 195.36 ve 218.00 gündür. 2. Kıvırcık erkek kuzularının 1. yaş ortalama testis çapı 8.87 cm, testis uzunluğu 9.40 cm'dir. Dağlıç erkek kuzularında ise testis çapı 7.15, testis uzunluğu 7.25 cm'dir. Benzer şekilde Kıvırcık erkek kuzularında sı krotura çevresi 35.92 cm, sı krotura uzunluğu 19.21 cm'dir. Dağlıç erkek kuzularında anılan özellikler sırasıyla; 33.81 ile 16.69 cm olarak bulunmuştur. 3. Kıvırcık erkek kuzularının 1. yaş ortalama 9 spermatozoit yoğunluğu 2.87.10 /mi sperma hacmi 1.20 cm3 ve hareketlilik oram ise %87.82fdır. Dağlıç erkek kuzularının ise - 9 spermatozoit yoğunluğu 2.45.10 /mi,, sperma hacmi 0.95 cmJ ve hareketlilik oranı ise %76.20'dır.118 4. Aşım düzeyi yüksek olan Kıvırcık erkek kuzularında 1. yaş itibariyle ortalama biniş sayısı 3.2, biniş süresi 102.0 an ve aşım etkinliği 0.34 olarak belirlenmiştir. Dağlıç erkek kuzularında aaptanan biniş aayıaı 2.5, biniş 3Üresi 83.5 an ve aşım etkinliği ise 0.21' dir. 5. Araştırmada; gerek Kıvırcık gerekse Dağlıç erkek kuzuları nda testis özellikleri ile apermatozoit yoğunluğu arasındaki fenotipik korelasyon katsayıları (p<0.Q5)'na göre., anormal ve ölü apermatozoit oranı arasında ise (p<0.01) önemli düzeyde ilişkiler saptanmıştır. Benzer şekilde testis özelliklerinin yaşa ve canlı ağırlıkla olan ilişkileri de önemli bulunmuştur (p<0.01). Eşeysel davranış -testis özellikleri arasındaki ilişkilerden, testis çapı ve testis uzunluğunun ejakulasyon sayısıyla, aşım etkinliğinin testis çapı ve testis uzunluğu istatistik olarak önemlidir (p<0.05)
119 SUMMARY This research has been conducted to determine the seasonal changes in 3ome reproductive traits (sexual maturity, testis size, semen characteristics and sexual behavior) of Kıvırcık and Dağlıç ram lambs. Research material consisted of 14 Kıvırcık and 11 Daglic ram lambs' of 60 ± 5 days of age. The lambs were fed 16% raw proteine and concentrated feed with dry clover containing 2600 kcal. Testis measurements were taken individually for ram lambs at 14-days interval over a period of twelve months. Semen characteristics were individually determined at 14-day intervals together sexual maturity by using on artificial vagina. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. In Kıvırcık and Daglic ram lambs, the first age of producing semen were 144.00 and 168.00 days, the age of fertilizing capable producing semen were 195.36 and 218.00 days respectively. 2. Average testis diameter of Kıvırcık yearlings were 8.87 cm and testes length were 9.40 cm. Average testes diameter of yearling Daglic were 7.15 and testis length were 7.25 cm. In Kıvırcık yearlings, 3crotum circumference and 3crotum length were 35.92 and 19.21 cm respectively. In Daglic yearlings were 33.81 and 16.69 cm respectively. 3. In Kıvırcık yearlings, spermatozoa concentration, 9 semen volume and motility were 2.65.10 /ml, 1.20 cm3 and 83.46% respectively. In Daglic yearlings, spermatozoa concentration, 9 semen volume and motility were 2.61.10 /ml, 1.15 cm3 and 75.90% respectively.120 4.. ITı vr ren k yearlings which have got high libido level, average mount frequency, latency and mating efficiency were 3.2, 102.0 3c and 0.34 respectively. Daglic yearlings which have got high libido level, average mount frequency, latency and mating efficiency were 2.5, 83.5 sc and 0.21 respectively. 5. In this 3tudy, it was determined that there were important fenotypic correlation coeffects both of Kıvırcık and Daglic yearlings between testes measurements and spermatozoa concentration, abnormal and dead spermatozoa rate. Also there were significantly relationship between testes measurements age and body weight. From sexual behaviors and testes measurements relationship, it was found that there were significantly relationship between serving efficiency and testes diameter and testes length, ejaculation and serving efficiency.
119 SUMMARY This research has been conducted to determine the seasonal changes in 3ome reproductive traits (sexual maturity, testis size, semen characteristics and sexual behavior) of Kıvırcık and Dağlıç ram lambs. Research material consisted of 14 Kıvırcık and 11 Daglic ram lambs' of 60 ± 5 days of age. The lambs were fed 16% raw proteine and concentrated feed with dry clover containing 2600 kcal. Testis measurements were taken individually for ram lambs at 14-days interval over a period of twelve months. Semen characteristics were individually determined at 14-day intervals together sexual maturity by using on artificial vagina. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. In Kıvırcık and Daglic ram lambs, the first age of producing semen were 144.00 and 168.00 days, the age of fertilizing capable producing semen were 195.36 and 218.00 days respectively. 2. Average testis diameter of Kıvırcık yearlings were 8.87 cm and testes length were 9.40 cm. Average testes diameter of yearling Daglic were 7.15 and testis length were 7.25 cm. In Kıvırcık yearlings, 3crotum circumference and 3crotum length were 35.92 and 19.21 cm respectively. In Daglic yearlings were 33.81 and 16.69 cm respectively. 3. In Kıvırcık yearlings, spermatozoa concentration, 9 semen volume and motility were 2.65.10 /ml, 1.20 cm3 and 83.46% respectively. In Daglic yearlings, spermatozoa concentration, 9 semen volume and motility were 2.61.10 /ml, 1.15 cm3 and 75.90% respectively.120 4.. ITı vr ren k yearlings which have got high libido level, average mount frequency, latency and mating efficiency were 3.2, 102.0 3c and 0.34 respectively. Daglic yearlings which have got high libido level, average mount frequency, latency and mating efficiency were 2.5, 83.5 sc and 0.21 respectively. 5. In this 3tudy, it was determined that there were important fenotypic correlation coeffects both of Kıvırcık and Daglic yearlings between testes measurements and spermatozoa concentration, abnormal and dead spermatozoa rate. Also there were significantly relationship between testes measurements age and body weight. From sexual behaviors and testes measurements relationship, it was found that there were significantly relationship between serving efficiency and testes diameter and testes length, ejaculation and serving efficiency.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Kuzular, Lambs, Mevsimsel değişim, Seasonal variation, Zootekni, Zootechnics, Üreme, Reproduction