Farklı düzeylerde periodontal yıkım oluşmuş dişlerde plaktan yoksun kuşağın (plaque free zone) boyutsal değişimlerinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Günümüzde periodontal hastalıkların tanımlanmasında, ortak kriterler aracılığı ile elde edilen, inanılır veri tabanlarından (çeşitli indeksler) yararlanılmaktadır. Periodontal indeks sistemlerinin epidemiyolojik araştırmalarda kullanılmaya başlanılması sayesinde, periodontal hastalıkların toplumlardaki dağılımı, etiyolojik faktörlerin belirlenmesi, önemini arttırmıştır. Bununla birlikte, aynı konuda yapılan araştırmalarda, farklı indeks sistemlerinin kullanılması, beraberinde birçok problemlerin doğmasına yol açmış, farklı değerlendirmelere neden olmuştur13,21. Dişhekimliği alanında yapılan deneysel histolojik çalışmalarda, insanlardan biyopsi materyallerini elde etmenin güçlüğü, ayrı bir problem yaratmaktadır. Dişle beraber büyük miktarda yumuşak dokunun gerekmesi ve bunun hasta protokollerinde geçerliliği, deneysel histolojik araştırmalarda diğer bir zorluğu teşkil etmektedir134. Hayvanlar üzerinde yapılan deneysel araştırmalarda bilinen tekniklerin uygulanması, pratik olarak gerçekleştirilmekte ve herhangi bir problem yaratmamaktadır. Fakat sonuçlar, insanlar için bazı soru işaretlerine neden olmaktadır. Bass12, dişlerin çekim sonrası boyanmasını ardından boyanın tutmadığı bir alanın varlığını açıklayan ilk kişidir. Daha sonra Brady28 bu bölgeyi plaktan yoksun kuşak (plaque free zone) olarak isimlendirmiştir. Waerhaug'un116, çekilmiş dişlerin incelenebilmesini sağlayan yeni bir metod gehştirmiştir. Böylece plak, kalkulus, plaktan yoksun kuşak, periodontal ligament, bağlantı epiteli gibi bulgular mcelenebilmiştir37'92'95'113'114'116'119,120'121. Bunun yanında, periodontal hastalıkların etiyolojisi, tedavi yöntemlerinin karşılaştırılması, lokal65 karşılaştırılması, lokal ve sistemik faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi sağlanabMştir14'36'37'40'52'92'113'114'118'120'123. Bu çalışmada amaç, periodontal hastalıklarda kullandığımız indekslerle elde edilen verilerin, aynı bölgeden çekilen dişlerin plaktan yoksun kuşak boyutlarıyla olan ilişkisini bulmak ve değerlendirmektir. 119'u bayan, 112'si erkek toplam 241 hasta çalışma için alındı. Çekim yapılacak diş bölgelerinden sondlanabilen sondlanabilen cep derinliği, ataşman seviyesi, gingival indeks, mobilite indeksi, oklüzal travma bulguları elde edildi. Sondlanabilen cep derinliği bulgularına göre üç grup oluşturuldu. A Grubu (Dört yüzünde, 00,05),(t testi),66 Dişlerin yüzlerine göre, plaktan yoksun kuşağın boyutsal değişimlerinin incelenmesi (p>0,05), (Varyans Analizi), Alt ve Üst çene dişler arasında plaktan yoksun kuşağın boyutsal değişimlerinin incelenmesi (p<0,05), (Varyans Analizi), Anterior ve Posterior dişler arasında plaktan yoksun kuşağın boyutsal değişimlerinin incelenmesi (p<0,05),(Varyans Analizi), Ataşman seviyesi değerleri ile bireylerin yaşlan arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi gerçekleştirildi (p<0,05), (Pearson korelasyon katsayıları). Sonuç olarak, plaktan yoksun kuşağın (plaque free zone) değişkenlik gösterebilen bir savunma hattı sağladığı söylenebilir.
SUMMARY Nowadays, periodontal diseases are diagnosed by the valid data which are obtained by the common criteria (various index systems). Since, periodontal index systems have started to be used in epidemiological researches, the spread of periodontal diseases in society, the identification of etiological factors have increased it's importance. In addition to that, the usage of various index systems have caused many problems128 and different comments in the similar researches13,21. The difficulty in obtaining the biopsy materials from human subjects in the experimental histological researches on dentistry has caused another problem. The great amount of soft tissue are needed as much as the teeth, to make them acceptable protocols is another difficulty in the experimental histological researches134. The usage of the known techniques in the experimental researches on animals have been very practicle and hasn't caused any problem. But the results have caused some question marks on human-beings. Bass has explained for the first time that on extracted and stained teeth there is an unstained zone. Later Brady has called it as the plaque free zone. Waerhaug116 has discovered a new method, which examine the extracted teeth. Therefore, the data like the plaque, calculus, plaque free zone, periodontal ligament, the junctional epithelium are examined37'92,95,113,114,116'119'120,121. In addition to this, important knowledge on the etiology of periodontal diseases, comparison of different treatment methods and the evaluation of local and systemic factors were available14,36,37,40,52,92,113,114,118,120,123. The aim of this research was to find and evaluate relationship between the data, which is found by the indexes used in periodontal diseases and the dimensions of the plaque free zone on extracted teeth in same area.69 119 Women and 112 men, totally 241 patiens have taken place in this research. From the teeth area which extractions will be done, probing depth, attachment level, the gingival index system, the mobility index system and the evaluation of occlusal trauma are provided. According to probing depth on teeth, three groups are made: A Group: ( on four sides, 00,05) (t test). According to the side of the teeth, the changes in the dimensions of plaque free zone. (p>0,05) (Analysis of Variance). The changes in the dimensions of the plaque free zone between the teeth of maxilla and mandibula (p<0,05) (Analysis of Variance). The changes in the dimensions of the plaque free zone between the anterior and posterior teeth (p<0,05) (Analysis of Variance).70. The relationship between the data of the level of attacment and ages of the members of the research are evaluated (p<0,05) (Pearson's correlation coefficients). As a result, It could be said that the plaque free zone has provided a defence line which is changeable.
SUMMARY Nowadays, periodontal diseases are diagnosed by the valid data which are obtained by the common criteria (various index systems). Since, periodontal index systems have started to be used in epidemiological researches, the spread of periodontal diseases in society, the identification of etiological factors have increased it's importance. In addition to that, the usage of various index systems have caused many problems128 and different comments in the similar researches13,21. The difficulty in obtaining the biopsy materials from human subjects in the experimental histological researches on dentistry has caused another problem. The great amount of soft tissue are needed as much as the teeth, to make them acceptable protocols is another difficulty in the experimental histological researches134. The usage of the known techniques in the experimental researches on animals have been very practicle and hasn't caused any problem. But the results have caused some question marks on human-beings. Bass has explained for the first time that on extracted and stained teeth there is an unstained zone. Later Brady has called it as the plaque free zone. Waerhaug116 has discovered a new method, which examine the extracted teeth. Therefore, the data like the plaque, calculus, plaque free zone, periodontal ligament, the junctional epithelium are examined37'92,95,113,114,116'119'120,121. In addition to this, important knowledge on the etiology of periodontal diseases, comparison of different treatment methods and the evaluation of local and systemic factors were available14,36,37,40,52,92,113,114,118,120,123. The aim of this research was to find and evaluate relationship between the data, which is found by the indexes used in periodontal diseases and the dimensions of the plaque free zone on extracted teeth in same area.69 119 Women and 112 men, totally 241 patiens have taken place in this research. From the teeth area which extractions will be done, probing depth, attachment level, the gingival index system, the mobility index system and the evaluation of occlusal trauma are provided. According to probing depth on teeth, three groups are made: A Group: ( on four sides, 00,05) (t test). According to the side of the teeth, the changes in the dimensions of plaque free zone. (p>0,05) (Analysis of Variance). The changes in the dimensions of the plaque free zone between the teeth of maxilla and mandibula (p<0,05) (Analysis of Variance). The changes in the dimensions of the plaque free zone between the anterior and posterior teeth (p<0,05) (Analysis of Variance).70. The relationship between the data of the level of attacment and ages of the members of the research are evaluated (p<0,05) (Pearson's correlation coefficients). As a result, It could be said that the plaque free zone has provided a defence line which is changeable.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry