An Investigation about the effects of organic growing methods on the yield and quality properties of industrial tomato
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET SANAYİ DOMATESİNDE ORGANİK ÜRETİM UYGULAMASININ VERİM VE KALİTE ÖZELLİKLERİNE ETKİSİ ÜZERİNDE BİR ARAŞTIRMA CANBAZOĞLU, Eda Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi : Prof.Dr.Hüseyin VURAL Ekim 2000, 64 sayfa Ülkemizde ekolojik tarımın öneminin her geçen gün artması, bu alanda daha fazla araştırma yapılmasını zorunlu kılmaktadır. Özellikle sanayi domatesi yetiştiriciliğinin ülkemizde ticari açıdan çok büyük önem taşımasına karşın ekolojik olarak yetiştirilmesinin pek yaygın olmaması, ayrıca en önemli noktalardan birisi de ekolojik domates yetiştiriciliği konusunda yararlanılabilecek pek fazla kaynak bulunmamasından dolayı; bu çalışmanın ekolojik domates üreticilerineve ekolojik tarım konusunda çalışmalarını yürüten kişilere başvurabilecekleri bir kaynak oluşturulması amaçlanmıştır. Sanayi domatesinde ekolojik üretim uygulamasının verim ve kalite üzerinde etkisini araştırmak amacıyla 27 Nisan 1998 ile 22 Ağustos 1998 tarihleri arasında Salihli-Karayahşi Köyünde bir deneme kurulmuştur. Brixy Fİ ve M-82 Fİ çeşitleri denemeye alınmıştır. Deneme tarla denemesini şeklinde 4 tekerrürlü tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre yürütülmüştür. Bunu göre 16 parsel oluşturulmuş ve her parsele 130x40 cm aralıklarla 40 adet bitki dikilmiştir. Bulaşma riskini engellemek için her parselin arasında 2 sıra deneme dışı bırakılmıştır. Ekolojik gübrelemede 100 kg/da Agro-biosol; kimyasal gübrelemede ise dekara 16 kg N, 14 kg P205, 18-29 Kg K20 olacak şekilde KN03 ve DAP gübreleri uygulanmıştır. Ekolojik gübrelemede dikim sırasında gübrenin yansı, ilk sulamamdan sonra da diğer yansı; kimyasal gübrelemede ise dikimde P ve K'un tamamı N'un yansı, ilk sulamadan sonra da N'un diğer yansı uygulanmıştır. 26 Temmuz, 5 Ağustos, 12 Ağustos ve 22 Ağustos tarihlerinde olmak üzere toplam 4 hasat yapılmıştır. Buna göre; istatistiksel açıdan önemsiz bulunmakla beraber brixy çeşidininkonvarisiyonel üretimdeki verimi ekolojik üretimindeki veriminden yüksek; M-82 çeşidinin ise ekolojik üretimdeki verimi konvansiyonelden yüksek bulunmuştur. Kalite özellikleri açısından ise her iki çeşitte ve uygulamada istatistiksel olarak fark bulunmamıştır
ABSTARCT AN INVESTIGATION ABOUT THE EFFECTS OF ORGANIC GROWING METHODS ON THE YIELD AND QUALITY PROPERTIES OF INDUSTRIAL TOMATO CANBAZO?LU, Eda MSc in Horticulture Science Supervisor : ProfDr.Hüseyin VURAL October, 2000, 64 Pages The importance of ecological agriculture increases in Turkey day by day. For this reason much more researches have to be made on ecological agriculture. Growing industrial tomato has a great importance, Although it is not widespread to grow it ecologically. There is not much more literature on growing tomato ecologically on the other hand. By carrying out this study it was thought to establish a literature for the organic tomatogrowers and for the people who are concerned with ecological agriculture. This study was carried out between 27th April and 22nd August 1998 'in Salihli-Karayahşi Village to investigate the effect of ecological growing methods on industrial tomato Two varieties, Brixy Fl and M-82 Fl were grown in this trial. The trial design was the randomised blocks with four replications. According to this, 16 plots were established and in every plot consisted of 40 plants. To prevent from contamination two raws were left out of trial between each plot. Agro-Biosol 100 kg/da was applied as organic fertiliser, and KNO3 and DAP were applied as chemical fertiliser to give 16 kg/da N, 14 kg/da P2O5 and 1 8-20 kg/da K2O to the soil. Half of ecological fertiliser was applied during planting and half of it was applied after the first irrigation and all of the P and K and half of the N was applied as chemical fertiliser during planting and half of N was applied after the first irrigation. Totally mere were 4 harvests on the dates 26th July, 5th August, 12th August and 22nd August. Although the results of four harvests show that the yield of the variety Brixy was more in conventional growing and theyield of the variety M-82 was more in ecological growing. But there were no significant differences between the tomato varieties and the growing methods both in yield and in quality properties.
ABSTARCT AN INVESTIGATION ABOUT THE EFFECTS OF ORGANIC GROWING METHODS ON THE YIELD AND QUALITY PROPERTIES OF INDUSTRIAL TOMATO CANBAZO?LU, Eda MSc in Horticulture Science Supervisor : ProfDr.Hüseyin VURAL October, 2000, 64 Pages The importance of ecological agriculture increases in Turkey day by day. For this reason much more researches have to be made on ecological agriculture. Growing industrial tomato has a great importance, Although it is not widespread to grow it ecologically. There is not much more literature on growing tomato ecologically on the other hand. By carrying out this study it was thought to establish a literature for the organic tomatogrowers and for the people who are concerned with ecological agriculture. This study was carried out between 27th April and 22nd August 1998 'in Salihli-Karayahşi Village to investigate the effect of ecological growing methods on industrial tomato Two varieties, Brixy Fl and M-82 Fl were grown in this trial. The trial design was the randomised blocks with four replications. According to this, 16 plots were established and in every plot consisted of 40 plants. To prevent from contamination two raws were left out of trial between each plot. Agro-Biosol 100 kg/da was applied as organic fertiliser, and KNO3 and DAP were applied as chemical fertiliser to give 16 kg/da N, 14 kg/da P2O5 and 1 8-20 kg/da K2O to the soil. Half of ecological fertiliser was applied during planting and half of it was applied after the first irrigation and all of the P and K and half of the N was applied as chemical fertiliser during planting and half of N was applied after the first irrigation. Totally mere were 4 harvests on the dates 26th July, 5th August, 12th August and 22nd August. Although the results of four harvests show that the yield of the variety Brixy was more in conventional growing and theyield of the variety M-82 was more in ecological growing. But there were no significant differences between the tomato varieties and the growing methods both in yield and in quality properties.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bahçe bitkileri, Horticultural crops, Domates, Tomato, Kalite, Quality, Organik tarım, Organic farming, Verim, Yield