Zeytin karasuyunun mikrobiyal yol ile yeniden değerlendirilmesi ve çevreye zararsız hale getirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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V ÖZET ZEYTİN KARASUYUNUN MİKROBİYAL YOL İLE YENİDEN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ VE ÇEVREYE ZARARSIZ HALE GETİRİLMESİ GÜRBÜZ, Deniz Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Biyoteknoloji Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Ş.Suha SUKAN Şubat, 2000, 76 sayfa Zeytinyağı işleyen ülkelerde, bu sanayinin atığı olan karasu, polifenolik bileşenlerinin hem sayıca hem miktarca çok fazla olması nedeni ile çevre kirliliğine katkıda bulunmaktadır. Bu atığın bertaraf edilmesi birçok sanayi kuruluşu için ciddi bir sorundur. Maddi değeri olmayan bu atığın hammadde olarak kullanılması ve ürüne dönüştürülmesi ancak biyoteknolojik yol ile sağlanabilir. Böylece hem yeni ve kullanılabilir bir ürün elde etmek hem de polifenollerin parçalanması ile çevreye verilen kirlilik yükünü azaltmak mümkündür. Bu çalışmada, karasu hammadde olarak kullanılarak yüksek katma değeri olan farklı ürünler elde edilmeye çalışılmış ve bu ürünlerin dönüşüm prosesleri verimlilikleri yönünden karş ı taştı n İm işti r. Karasudan üretilmesi hedeflenen ürünler sırası ile: tek hücre proteini, lakkaz enzimi ve biyosürfaktandır. Tek hücre proteini ve biyosürfaktan üretimi için mekanik kanştırmalı ve havalandırılma!) fermantörler (20 L ve 1 L), lakkaz enzimi üretimi için ise 250 mi çalkalamalı erlenler kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca laboratuvar ölçeğindeki çalışmalarda kullanılan yöntemler sonucu elde edilen atık suyun kimyasal oksijen ihtiyacı ve pH değerleri, renk açılma katsayıları belirlenmiş ve çevre kirlilik standartları ile karş r laşt ı n I m işti r. Anahtar sözcükler Karasu, polifenoller, tek hücre proteini, biyosürfaktan, lakkaz
VII ABSTRACT ELIMINATION AND REUTILISATION OF OLIVE INDUSTRY WASTE WATER BY MICROBIAL PROCESSES AND BIODEGRADATION GÜRBÜZ, Deniz MSc in Biotechnology Supervisor Prof. Dr. Ş.Suha SUKAN February, 2000, 76 pages In olive oil producing countries, olive mill wastewater containing high number of phenoiics in significant amounts contributes to environmental pollution. Disposal of this waste is a severe problem for many companies. Olive mill wastewater (OMW) which has no economic value, can be used as a raw material. It is reutilised into a beneficial new product by biotechnology. By this way, it would be possible to obtain a valuable product and reduce the contamination risk created by the degradation of phenolic compounds. In this thesis, olive mill wastewater was used as a raw material to obtain various high value-added materials and the efficiency of biodegradation processes of these products were compared. Products that are aimed to be produced from olive mill wastewater are single cell protein, laccase enzyme and biosurfactant. Mechanically stirred and aerated fermenters (20 L and 1 L) were used for single cell protein and biosurfactant. Laccase production were carried out in 250 ml shaked flasks. In addition, chemical oxygen demand, pH value and decolorization coefficient of olive mill wastewater were determined in laboratory scale by using several methods and these values were compared with the environmental pollution standarts. Keywords:Olive mill wastewater, polyphenols, single cell protein biosurfactant, laccase
VII ABSTRACT ELIMINATION AND REUTILISATION OF OLIVE INDUSTRY WASTE WATER BY MICROBIAL PROCESSES AND BIODEGRADATION GÜRBÜZ, Deniz MSc in Biotechnology Supervisor Prof. Dr. Ş.Suha SUKAN February, 2000, 76 pages In olive oil producing countries, olive mill wastewater containing high number of phenoiics in significant amounts contributes to environmental pollution. Disposal of this waste is a severe problem for many companies. Olive mill wastewater (OMW) which has no economic value, can be used as a raw material. It is reutilised into a beneficial new product by biotechnology. By this way, it would be possible to obtain a valuable product and reduce the contamination risk created by the degradation of phenolic compounds. In this thesis, olive mill wastewater was used as a raw material to obtain various high value-added materials and the efficiency of biodegradation processes of these products were compared. Products that are aimed to be produced from olive mill wastewater are single cell protein, laccase enzyme and biosurfactant. Mechanically stirred and aerated fermenters (20 L and 1 L) were used for single cell protein and biosurfactant. Laccase production were carried out in 250 ml shaked flasks. In addition, chemical oxygen demand, pH value and decolorization coefficient of olive mill wastewater were determined in laboratory scale by using several methods and these values were compared with the environmental pollution standarts. Keywords:Olive mill wastewater, polyphenols, single cell protein biosurfactant, laccase
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoteknoloji, Biotechnology, Biyosürfaktanlar, Biosurfactants, Endüstriyel atıklar, Industrial wastes, Polifenol, Polyphenol, Zeytin karasuyu, Olive waste water