Mercury levels in children hair and blood and its relation with environment
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET ÇOCUK SAÇ VE KANLARINDA CİVA DÜZEYLERİ VE ÇEVRE İLE İLİŞKİLER YETİŞ, Ferah Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kimya Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Emür HENDEN Ocak 2000, 63 sayfa Saç insan bünyesinde iz elementlerin derişimlerindeki uzun süreli değişmelerin farkına varılması olanağım sağlar. Saç insan vücudunda iz elementlerin atım organı ve deposudur. Literatürde civanın tayini için en fazla önerilen metodlardan biri olarak soğuk buhar atomik floresans spektrometresi ve kapalı kap bozundurma metodu önerilmektedir. Bu çalışmada şeftali yaprağı, meyve bahçesi yaprağı ve saç standart örnekleri ve çocuk saç örnekleri farklı kapak kap bozundurma teknikleriyle tayin edilmiştir. Bu teknikler aynı zamanda klasik yaş yakma bozundurma metoduyla karşılaştınlmıştır. Civa tayini için örneklerin bozundurulması klasik yaş yakma metoduyla yapılmıştır. Çalışılan saç örneklerindeki civa düzeyleri farklı olmalarına rağmen Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO) tarafından önerilen maksimum değerin çok altındadır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Civa, atomik floresans spektrometresi, saç örnekleri, saç bozundurma
VII ABSTRACT MERCURY LEVELS IN CHILDREN HAIR AND BLOOD AND ITS RELATION WITH ENVIRONMENT YETİŞ, Ferah MSc. in Chemistry Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Emür HENDEN January 2000, 63 pages Hair offers a good way of discerning long-term variations in trace elements concentration in the human body. Human hair is the excretory organ and store house of trace elements in the human body. In literature one of the most suggested methods is the cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry and closed cup digestion method for the determination of mercury. In this work, standard samples of peach leaves, orchard leaves and hair samples and collected children hair samples were investigated by different closed cup digestion. These techniques were also compared with classic wet ashing digestion method. Digestion of the samples for mercury determination was carried out by a classical wet ashing method. The levels of mercury in the hair samples studied, although varied, were much below than the suggested highest value of WHO. Key Words: Mercury, atomic fluorescence spectrometer, hair samples, sample decomposition.
VII ABSTRACT MERCURY LEVELS IN CHILDREN HAIR AND BLOOD AND ITS RELATION WITH ENVIRONMENT YETİŞ, Ferah MSc. in Chemistry Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Emür HENDEN January 2000, 63 pages Hair offers a good way of discerning long-term variations in trace elements concentration in the human body. Human hair is the excretory organ and store house of trace elements in the human body. In literature one of the most suggested methods is the cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry and closed cup digestion method for the determination of mercury. In this work, standard samples of peach leaves, orchard leaves and hair samples and collected children hair samples were investigated by different closed cup digestion. These techniques were also compared with classic wet ashing digestion method. Digestion of the samples for mercury determination was carried out by a classical wet ashing method. The levels of mercury in the hair samples studied, although varied, were much below than the suggested highest value of WHO. Key Words: Mercury, atomic fluorescence spectrometer, hair samples, sample decomposition.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Atomik flüoresans spektrometri, Atomic fluorescence spectrometry, Cıva, Mercury, Saçlar, Hair, Çevre, Environment