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Öğe Anatomical Landmarks of Mandibular Edentulous and Dental Mandibles(2018) Şener, Elif; Önem, Erinç; Akar, Gülcan Coşkun; Gökmen, Figen; Özer, Mehmet Asım; Pınar, Yelda; Mert, Ali…Öğe Anatomical landmarks of mandibular interforaminal region related to dental implant placement with 3D CBCT: comparison between edentulous and dental mandibles(Springer France, 2018) Sener, Elif; Onem, Erinc; Akar, Gulcan Coskun; Govsa, Figen; Ozer, Mehmet Asim; Pinar, Yelda; Mert, Ali; Sen, B. Guniz BaksiAnterior mandibular (interforaminal) region is important in implant applications as it serves a basis for neurovascular bedding and holds the prosthesis for patients. Treatment planning for dental implant patients is often complicated by the unknown extent of the anterior loop of the neurovascular bundle. Anatomical structures including mandibular incisive canal (MIC) and lingual foramen (LF) should also be examined as part of the detailed analysis for their neurovascular structures. This study aimed to detect the positions of LF and MIC as well as the prolongation of interforaminal region in Anatolian population to supply the reference data of the surgical safe zone in chin for the clinicians. Mandibles of 70 adult specimens (35 edentulous + 35 dentate) were retrieved from the Department of Anatomy, Ege University. Images of the dry mandibles were obtained using a cone beam computed tomography unit applying a standardized exposure protocol. Afterwards, mandibles were sawn into vertical sections according to the respective tomographic cross-sections. Images were evaluated for the absence/presence of the MIC, its dimensions and antero-posterior length for both edentulous and dentate groups. In addition; the presence, number, location, labial canal and LF diameter and height of the LF were determined for both groups. The MIC was observed in 80 and 68.6% of the dentate and edentulous groups, consecutively (p > 0.05). The MIC continued towards the incisor region in a slightly downward direction. The LF was observed in all dentate mandibles (100%), while it was present in 94.3% of the edentulous mandibles (p > 0.05). For the dentate group, 62.9% of the specimens had two foramens and 20% had three foramens in the mandibular midline. Mean length of the MIC in dentate groups and edentulous groups was measured as 2.55 +/- 0.809 and 3.08 +/- 1.745 mm, respectively. Well-defined MIC mean diameter in dentate groups and edentulous groups were measured as 2.44 +/- 0.702 and 2.35 +/- 0.652 mm, respectively. Significant difference was found between dentate and edentulous group in most of the parameters except for the LF and the diameter of the MIC (p > 0.05). The correlation between observers' measurements ranged between 0.742 and 0.993 for all anatomical landmarks and mandible groups. The MIC and LF are associated with neurovascular bundle variations in number, location and size. Therefore, clinicians should determine each of these anatomical structures on a case-by-case basis to recognize their presence and to take measures for the possible implications of various treatment options. These guidelines included leaving a 2 mm safety zone between an implant and the coronal aspect of the neurovascular bundle. To avoid neurovascular injury during surgery in the interforaminal area, guidelines were developed with respect to validating the presence of an anterior loop of the neurovascular bundle.Öğe Bulanık bilgilerde seviyelere dayalı ağırlıklı ortalama yöntemlerine ilişkin araştırmalar ve uygulamaları(Ege Üniversitesi, 2006) Mert, Ali; Nasibov, EfendiBu çalısmada seviyelere dayalı agırlıklı ortalama yöntemlerinin bir çogunu temsil eden ve daha genel bir gösterime sahip olan WABL yöntemi hakkında arastırmalar gerçeklestirilmistir. WABL yöntemi bulanık bilgileri durulastırma isleminde kullanılan bir “defuzzification” yöntemidir. WABL yöntemi bazı kullanıslı özelliklere sahiptir. Bunlardan bir tanesi WABL parametrelerinin esnekligidir. Bu özellik bu çalısmada sıkça kullanılmıstır. Bu özellik sayesinde WABL yöntemi daha genel bir yöntem olmaktadır. Çalısmada WABL yöntemi ile MIN, MAX, MOM ve COA yöntemleri arasındaki iliskiler teorik olarak arastırılmıstır. Ayrıca WABL parametrelerini karar vericinin yaklasımına göre belirlemesine imkan veren entropy temelli bir yaklasım sunulmustur. Uygulama kısmında iliskiler sayısal örnekler ile desteklenmistir. Ayrıca yeni yaklasım için farklı durumları gösteren örnekler sunulmustur. Son olarak bir kontrol sisteminde WABL yönteminin verimliligi ile diger “defuzzification” yöntemlerinin verimliligi karsılastırılmıstır.Öğe Bulanık bilgilerin bir araya getirilme problemleri ve onların karar verme modellerinde kullanılması(Ege Üniversitesi, 2003) Mert, Ali; Başkan, OnurBulanik teoride bir araya getirme konusu genis olarak incelenen ve halen önemini koruyan bir konudur. Bir araya getirme süreci kisaca bulanik sayiyi temsil edebilecek tek bir tane sayi elde etme islemi olarak özetlenebilir. Bu islemi gerçeklestiren bir çok yöntem vardir. Bu amaç, strateji, yaklasim v.b. konularda arastirmacilarin farkli düsüncelere sahip olmalarindan kaynaklanir. Bu tezde ele alinacak olan bir araya getirme yöntemi WABL (Weighted Averaging Based on the Levels) yöntemidir. Bu yöntem, karar veren kisiyi temsilciyi belirleme sürecine dahil etmesi, eldeki bulanik bilgiyi diger yöntemlerden daha çok kullaniyor olmasi ve toplamsal olmasindan dolayi daha yapici bir yöntem olarak adlandirilabilir. Bu sebepten bu çalismada ele alinmistir. Bu çalismada önce bulanik teorinin gelisimi ile ilgili kisa bilgiler verilmistir. Daha sonra bulanik küme ve bulanik sayi kavramlari incelenmistir. Çesitli bir araya getirme yöntemleri degerlendirilmistir. Orta temsilcinin parametrelerinin degerini hesaplayan etkilesimli bir algoritma önerilmistir. Daha sonra bu algoritma C++ programlama dilinde kodlanmistir.Öğe Bulanık bilgilerin bir araya getirme ve durulaştırma yöntemlerinin incelenmesi ve aralarındaki ilişkilerin araştırılması(Ege Üniversitesi, 2006) Mert, Ali; Nasibov, EfendiBu çalışmada seviyelere dayalı ağırlıklı ortalama yöntemlerinin birçoğunu temsil eden ve daha genel bir gösterime sahip olan WABL yöntemi hakkında araştırmalar gerçekleştirilmiştir. WABL yöntemi bulanık bilgileri durulaştırma işleminde kullanılan bir "defuzzification" yöntemidir. WABL yöntemi bazı kullanışlı özelliklere sahiptir. Bunlardan bir tanesi WABL parametrelerinin esnekliğidir. Bu özellik bu çalışmada sıkça kullanılmıştır. Bu özellik sayesinde WABL yöntemi daha genel bir yöntem olmaktadır. Çalışmada WABL yöntemi ile MIN, MAX, MOM ve COA yöntemleri arasındaki ilişkiler teorik olarak araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca WABL parametrelerini karar vericinin yaklaşımına göre belirlemesine imkan veren entropy temelli bir yaklaşım sunulmuştur.;Bulanık sayı, WABL yöntemi, defuzzification, COA yöntemi, yöneylem araştırması, bulanık kontrolcü.;Fuzzy number, WABL method, defuzzification, COA method, operational research, fuzzy controller.Öğe Bulanık bilgili karar verme problemlerinde karar verme stratejisinin değerlendirilmesi için visual - interaktif sistemin yarartılması(Ege Üniversitesi, 2004) Mert, Ali; Nasibov, EfendiBulanık küme, bulanık sayı, bir araya getirme yöntemi, orta temsilci, etkileşimli algoritma.;Bulanık teoride bir araya getirme konusu geniş olarak incelenen ve halen önemini koruyan bir konudur. Bir araya getirme süreci kısaca bulanık sayıyı temsil edebilecek tek bir tane sayı elde etme işlemi olarak özetlenebilir. Bu işlemi gerçekleştiren bir çok yöntem vardır. Bu amaç, strateji, yaklaşım v.b. konularda araştırmacıların farklı düşüncelere sahip olmalarından kaynaklanır. Bu tezde ele alınacak olan bir araya getirme yöntemi WABL (Weighted Averaging Based on the Levels) yöntemidir. Bu yöntem, karar veren kişiyi temsilciyi belirleme sürecine dahil etmesi, eldeki bulanık bilgiyi diğer yöntemlerden daha çok kullanıyor olması ve toplamsal olmasından dolayı daha yapıcı bir yöntem olarak adlandırılabilir. Bu sebepten bu çalışmada ele alınmıştır. Bu çalışmada önce bulanık teorinin gelişimi ile ilgili kısa bilgiler verilmiştir. Daha sonra bulanık küme ve bulanık sayı kavramları incelenmiştir. Çeşitli bir araya getirme yöntemleri değerlendirilmiştir. Orta temsilcinin parametrelerinin değerini hesaplayan etkileşimli bir algoritma önerilmiştir. Daha sonra bu algoritma C++ programlama dilinde kodlanmıştır.;Fuzzy set, fuzzy number, aggregation method, average representative, interactive algorithm.Öğe Comparison of quantitative radiomorphometric predictors of healthy and MRONJ-affected bone using panoramic radiography and cone-beam CT(Oxford Univ Press, 2024) Aslan, Elif; Onem, Erinc; Mert, Ali; Baksi, B. GunizObjectives To determine the most distinctive quantitative radiomorphometric parameter(s) for the detection of MRONJ-affected bone changes in panoramic radiography (PR) and cone-beam CT (CBCT). Methods PR and sagittal CBCT slices of 24 MRONJ patients and 22 healthy controls were used for the measurements of mandibular cortical thickness (MCT), fractal dimension (FD), lacunarity, mean gray value (MGV), bone area fraction (BA/TA), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), trabecular separation (Tb.Sp), trabecular number (Tb.N). MCT was measured in the mental foramen region. While FD and lacunarity were measured on mandibular trabecular and cortical regions-of-interest (ROIs), the remaining parameters were measured on trabecular ROIs. The independent samples t-test was used to compare the measurements between the MRONJ and control groups for both imaging modalities (P = .05). Results MCT was the only parameter that differentiated MRONJ-affected bone in both PR and CBCT (P < .05). None of the remaining parameters revealed any difference for MRONJ-affected bone in CBCT (P > .05). FD, lacunarity, MGV, BA/TA, and Tb.Sp could distinguish MRONJ-affected trabecular bone in PR (P < .05). The correspondent ROI for both imaging methods that was reliable for detecting MRONJ-affected bone was the trabecular bone distal to the mental foramen above the inferior alveolar canal (ROI-3). Conclusions MCT is a reliable parameter for the discrimination of MRONJ-affected bone in both PR and CBCT images. PR may be used to detect MRONJ-affected trabecular bone using FD, lacunarity, MGV, BA/TA, and Tb.Sp measurements as well.Öğe Cone beam computed tomography evaluation of c-shaped canal morphology in mandibular premolar teeth(Istanbul Univ Press, Istanbul Univ Rectorate, 2024) Aslan, Elif; Ulusoy, A. Canberk; Baksi, B. Guniz; Mert, Ali; Sen, B. HakanPurpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and the morphology of c -shaped root canal(s) in mandibular premolars using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. Materials and Methods CBCT images of 1095 mandibular premolars were examined at coronal, middle, and apical levels of the root canals. The type, the level, and the position (buccal or lingual) of the c -shaped anatomy were recorded. Absolute counts and percentages of different groups and subgroups of C -shape morphologies were calculated. The Chi-square test was used to compare the prevalence of C -shaped morphology between mandibular first and second premolars. The Z -test for proportions in independent groups was used to analyze the differences in mandibular C -shaped premolar proportions between location (left and right side) and tooth (first or second premolars) (p=0.05). Results C -shaped root canal morphology was present in 44 teeth. The percentage of c -shaped morphologies was 6.9% and 1.6% in mandibular first and second premolars, respectively. Comparison of the first and the second premolars showed that C1 type (p=0.008) and C4b type (p=0.013) configurations are more common in the first premolars at the coronal level. In contrast, the C2 type configuration showed significantly higher prevalence in the second premolars (p=0.009). Additionally, the C4c type configuration was significantly frequent on the right premolars at the coronal level (p=0.038). Conclusion C -shape canal morphology is a rare but complex anatomic feature in mandibular premolars. Therefore, clinicians should be aware of this complex root canal anatomy for the success of endodontic treatment in mandibular premolar teeth.Öğe A cooperative system for metaheuristic algorithms(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021) Tezel, Baris Tekin; Mert, AliOptimization problems are defined as the functions whereby the target is to find the optimum state depending on the parameters that have certain limitations. in the field of optimization, the aim is to find from among multiple alternative solutions the optimal solution or approximate solution that provides all the restrictions. Metaheuristic is an extremely effective method to find approximate solutions to optimization problems. However, when metaheuristics are used, there occurs an algorithm selection problem. This problem involves decision-making about which algorithm is to be used to solve the existing optimization problem with maximum performance. The objective of this study is to use a cooperative system that combines different metaheuristics to successfully deal with algorithm selection problems. An intelligent combination of different metaheuristics is expected to provide more flexible, more efficient and more robust approaches. However, such a combination requires less precision. The combination is generated through a methodology designed with soft computing. in addition to the algorithm selection problem, the adjustment of algorithm parameters has significant importance in obtaining good results. For this reason, the cooperative system proposed in this study offers fine-tuning of parameters based on soft computing techniques.Öğe Defuzzification of Non-Linear Pentagonal Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers and Application in the Minimum Spanning Tree Problem(Mdpi, 2023) Mert, AliIn recent years, with the variety of digital objects around us becoming a source of information, the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have experienced very rapid development. Processing and converting the information around us into data within the framework of the information processing theory is important, as AI and ML techniques need large amounts of reliable data in the training and validation stages. Even though information naturally contains uncertainty, information must still be modeled and converted into data without neglecting this uncertainty. Mathematical techniques, such as the fuzzy theory and the intuitionistic fuzzy theory, are used for this purpose. In the intuitionistic fuzzy theory, membership and non-membership functions are employed to describe intuitionistic fuzzy sets and intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (IFNs). IFNs are characterized by the mathematical statements of these two functions. A more general and inclusive definition of IFN is always a requirement in AI technologies, as the uncertainty introduced by various information sources needs to be transformed into similar IFNs without neglecting the variety of uncertainty. In this paper, we proposed a general and inclusive mathematical definition for IFN and called this IFN a non-linear pentagonal intuitionistic fuzzy number (NLPIFN), which allows its users to maintain variety in uncertainty. We know that AI technology implementations are performed in computerized environments, so we need to transform the IFN into a crisp number to make such IFNs available in such environments. Techniques used in transformation are called defuzzification methods. In this paper, we proposed a short-cut formula for the defuzzification of a NLPIFN using the intuitionistic fuzzy weighted averaging based on levels (IF-WABL) method. We also implemented our findings in the minimum spanning tree problem by taking weights as NLPIFNs to determine the uncertainty in the process more precisely.Öğe Design of dimensionally stable composites using efficient global optimization method(Sage Publications Ltd, 2019) Aydin, Levent; Aydin, Olgun; Artem, H. Secil; Mert, AliDimensionally stable material design is an important issue for space structures such as space laser communication systems, telescopes, and satellites. Suitably designed composite materials for this purpose can meet the functional and structural requirements. In this paper, it is aimed to design the dimensionally stable laminated composites by using efficient global optimization method. For this purpose, the composite plate optimization problems have been solved for high stiffness and low coefficients of thermal and moisture expansion. Some of the results based on efficient global optimization solution have been verified by genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, and generalized pattern search solutions from the previous studies. The proposed optimization algorithm is also validated experimentally. After completing the design and optimization process, failure analysis of the optimized composites has been performed based on Tsai-Hill, Tsai-Wu, Hoffman, and Hashin-Rotem criteria.Öğe Detection of artificial demineralization bordering different types of laminate veneers using visual inspection and storage phosphor radiography(Springer Heidelberg, 2013) Comlekoglu, Erhan; Onem, Erinc; Comlekoglu, Mine Dundar; Baksi, B. Guniz; Mert, AliThe objective of this study is to compare the diagnostic accuracy of visual inspection (VI) and storage phosphor plate (SPP) radiography for the detection of artificial demineralization bordering different laminate veneers. Twenty human maxillary canine teeth were prepared. All-ceramic (A) and hybrid ceramic (H) laminate veneers were fabricated and luted. Veneered teeth were covered except for a circular window on the proximal surface bordering restorations. Teeth were kept in acetic acid buffer to create demineralization and imaged with a SPP system. Ten observers evaluated all teeth first visually then with SPP images for the presence/absence of demineralization. Teeth were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) as well. The accuracy was expressed as the area under the ROC curves (A (z)). Pair-wise comparisons were performed using two-way ANOVA and post hoc t test (p = 0.05). Fleiss kappa (kappa) was used for agreement. SPP radiography was better than the VI for both veneers (p = 0.004). The A (z)s of two veneers were different for both VI (p < 0.005) and SPP (p < 0.005). SEM evaluation revealed lesions confined to enamel. kappa was fair for H, and fair to moderate for A. Agreement was higher for the radiographic evaluation for both veneers. Enamel demineralizations bordering hybrid and ceramic laminate veneers can be detected better with SPP radiography than VI and detectability was better for all-ceramic veneers than the hybrid ceramic ones. Early detection of enamel demineralizations bordering laminate veneers would result in time-saving and less-invasive treatment methods; therefore, SPP radiography may be recommended in clinically suspicious cases since it provides better diagnostic accuracy.Öğe Diagnostic accuracy of Digora Optime storage phosphor plates for proximal subsurface demineralization: effect of different exposure times(Elsevier Science Inc, 2012) Onem, Erinc; Baksi, Guniz; Sen, B. Hankan; Mert, AliObjective. The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of F-speed film and storage phosphor plate (SPP) exposed with different exposure times for the detection of artificial enamel subsurface demineralization. Study Design. Standard enamel windows of extracted premolars were exposed to a demineralizing solution. All teeth were radiographed before and after acid application with F-speed films and SPPs. Films were exposed for 0.25 seconds and SPPs were exposed using 4 exposure times. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was used for diagnostic accuracy (A(z)). Results. Significant differences were obtained among A(z)s of 0.08-versus 0.12-seconds and 0.10-versus 0.12-second exposed SPPs (P < .05). A(z)s of films were higher than the SPPs exposed with 0.08, 0.10, and 0.12 seconds (P < .05). No difference was found between the A(z)s of the 2 systems when SPPs were exposed for 0.16 seconds (P > .05). Conclusions. Diagnostic accuracy of films and SPPs was not impaired when exposure time was 36% reduced for the latter; however, diagnosis was impaired when reduced 52%. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;114:e78-e84)Öğe Does a Combination of Two Radiographs Increase Accuracy in Detecting Acid-induced Periapical Lesions and Does It Approach the Accuracy of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Scanning?(Elsevier Science Inc, 2012) Sogur, Elif; Grondahl, Hans-Goran; Baksi, B. Guniz; Mert, AliIntroduction: The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of a combination of 2 images (storage phosphor plates [SPPs] and F-speed films [East-man Kodak, Rochester, NY]) with a 10 degrees difference in horizontal beam angulation resulted in better detectability of chemically created periapical defects than when only 1 image was used and whether a detectability as good as that achieved by limited cone-beam computed tomography (LCBCT) scanning could be achieved. Methods: Lesions were created by 1, 1.5, and 2 hours of acid application apical to extracted teeth in jaw specimens. After repositioning, teeth were radio-graphed with Accu-l-Tomo LCBCT, Digora Optime SPP system, and F-speed films. The SPPs and films were exposed at 0 degrees and 10 degrees horizontal angulations. The diagnostic accuracy (Az) was compared using 2-way analysis of variance; pair-wise comparisons were performed using the post hoc t test. Kappa was used to measure interobserver agreement. Results: A combination of 2 exposures with a 10 degrees difference in horizontal angulation caused an increase, although not statistically significant, in the accuracy of both films and SPPs for all acid durations (P > .05) compared with when only 1 exposure was used. The accuracy did not approach that of LCBCT. Conclusions: Using a combination of 2 exposures instead of 1 did not significantly increase the accuracy in detecting acid-induced lesions at the apices of single-rooted premolars. The accuracy of LCBCT was superior. (J Endod 2012;38:131-136)Öğe Effect of Tube Current on Linear Measurement Accuracy of Cone Beam Computed Tomography Images(Bentham Science Publ Ltd, 2018) Sener, Elif; Onem, Erinc; Mert, Ali; Baksi, B. GunizObjective: To compare the accuracy of linear bone measurements on Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) images obtained using different tube currents. Methods: Twelve reference points were prepared by using burs and heated gutta-percha on each of the ten dry mandibles for horizontal and vertical measurements on anterior and posterior segments. Images were obtained with Kodak 9000 3D cbct system at 5 different tube currents (2 mA, 3.2 mA, 6.3 mA, 10 mA and 15 mA). Three radiologists did total of 1200 linear measurements. True lengths were determined with a digital caliper. Height and width measurements from each of the mA settings were compared to the gold standard using Bland and Altman plots. Overall comparison of the measurements was done using repeated measures ANOVA. Correlation between individual measurements of each observer was assessed with Pearson's correlation analysis. Results: No differences were found in the height and width measurements for both anterior (p>0.05) and posterior (p>0.05) measurements for different mA settings. Increase in mA caused an increase in the geometric accuracy of cbct images (p>0.05). Mean deviations from the gold standard ranged between -0.7 and +0.12 mm among the lowest and highest tube settings. The correlation between observers' measurements ranged between 0.97 and 0.98 for increasing tube settings. Conclusion: Tube current may be reduced as low as 2mA without jeopardizing linear measurement accuracy.Öğe Effect of tube potential and image receptor on the detection of natural proximal caries in primary teeth(Springer Heidelberg, 2011) Sogur, Elif; Baksi, B. Guniz; Orhan, Kaan; Paksoy, S. Candan; Dogan, Salih; Erdal, Yilmaz S.; Mert, AliThe aim of this study was to assess the detection of proximal caries in primary teeth at three different tube potentials using Ektaspeed films, storage phosphor plates (SPPs), and a charge-coupled device (CCD). Fifty-three extracted human primary molars with natural proximal caries were radiographed with three different imaging modalities-Digora Optime SPP system, RVGui CCD system, and Ektaspeed films-at 50-, 65-, and 70-kV tube potentials. Three observers scored the resultant images for the presence or absence of caries. The definitive diagnosis was determined by stereomicroscopic assessment. The diagnostic accuracy for each imaging modality was expressed as the area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (A (z)). Differences among the A (z) values were assessed using two-way ANOVA and t tests. Kappa was used to measure inter- and intra-observer agreement. Higher accuracy was found for SPPs compared to film and CCD images at all tube potentials. Accuracy was significantly different only at 50-kV tube setting in favor of SPPs (p < 0.05). Inter- and intra-observer agreement was high for all systems. A SPP system can be recommended for dental peadodontic clinics particularly with 50-kV tube potential for the diagnosis of proximal caries since further advantages include the elimination of chemical processing, image enhancement, and a better low-contrast detectability performance.Öğe Electrospun nano-bio membrane for bone tissue engineering application-a new approach(Elsevier Science Sa, 2020) Rethinam, Senthil; Basaran, Bahri; Vijayan, Sumathi; Mert, Ali; Bayraktar, Oguz; Aruni, A. WilsonThe aim of this research study, develop electrospun nano-bio membrane (ENBM) from Poly (vinyl) alcohol (PVA), nano-Demineralized Bone Matrix (nano-DBM) and to impart additional strength, incorporation of carbon nanoparticles (CNP) by elctrospinning machine for their potential application in bone tissue regeneration. the effective of ENBM for biocompatibility properties were evaluated using MG 63 osteoblast cell line, which showed 100% biocompatibility and more viable cell present in the electrospun nano-biomembrane. in vitro biomineralization, more apatite formation was observed SEM images. Electrospun nanoscaffold prepared using PVA, nano-DBM and CNP (0.6%) possessed improved mechanical properties viz. 14.58 +/- 0.13 Mpa of tensile strength, 13.87 +/- 0.05% of elongation at break and 36.84 +/- 0.11% water absorption. This research study proved the bone formation of these ENBM in bone tissue regeneration and regenerative medicine.Öğe Exploring the relationship between university innovation intermediaries and patenting performance(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2021) Temel, Serdal; Dabic, Marina; Ar, Ilker Murat; Howells, Jeremy; Mert, Ali; Yesilay, Rustem BarisThis paper investigates the role of university intermediary organisations in entrepreneurially orientated universities, in terms of their patent performance based on a large-scale survey of such organisations in Turkey. The findings from 1236 responses indicate that intermediary organisations, regardless of their type, are crucial in increasing the patenting performance of universities, although this also had a regional dimension. The research also charts the organisational evolution of university innovation intermediaries in Turkey suggesting that the success of organisational forms in promoting industry-academic links and university research commercialisation will vary according to the wider institutional and socio-economic frameworks of the national and regional systems of innovation in which the universities are posited.Öğe Factors affecting mortality in COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis: An international ID-IRI study(Cell Press, 2024) Sahin, Meyha; Yilmaz, Mesut; Mert, Ali; Emecen, Ahmet Naci; Al Maslamani, Muna A. Rahman S.; Hashim, Samar Mahmoud A.; Ittaman, Ajithkumar ValooparambilBackground: This study aimed to identify factors that influence the mortality rate of patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19)-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA). Methods: In this cross-sectional study, data from 23 centers across 15 countries, spanning the period of March 2020 to December 2021, were retrospectively collected. The study population comprised patients who developed invasive pulmonary aspergillosis while being treated for COVID-19 in the intensive care unit. Cox regression and decision tree analyses were used to identify factors associated with mortality in patients with CAPA. Results: A total of 162 patients (males, 65.4 %; median age: 64 [25th-75th: 54.0-73.8] years) were included in the study, of whom 113 died during the 90-day follow-up period. The median duration from CAPA diagnosis to death was 12 (25th-75th: 7-19) days. In the multivariable Cox regression model, an age of >= 65 years (hazard ratio [HR]: 2.05, 95 % confidence interval [CI]: 1.37-3.07), requiring vasopressor therapy at the time of CAPA diagnosis (HR: 1.80, 95 % CI: 1.17-2.76), and receiving renal replacement therapy at the time of CAPA diagnosis (HR: 2.27, 95 % CI: 1.35-3.82) were identified as predictors of mortality. Decision tree analysis revealed that patients with CAPA aged >= 65 years who received corticosteroid treatment for COVID-19 displayed higher mortality rates (estimated rate: 1.6, observed in 46 % of patients). Conclusion: This study concluded that elderly patients with CAPA who receive corticosteroids are at a significantly higher risk of mortality, particularly if they experience multiorgan failure.Öğe Farklı afet tiplerine ve oluşma olasılıklarına göre optimal depo seçimi ve malzeme miktarının belirlenmesi(Ege Üniversitesi, 2016) Aşkın, Öyküm Esra; Mert, AliAfet yönetimi, Olasılık Dağılımları, Risk Tahmini, Tamsayılı Programlama.;Disaster Management, Probability Distributions, Risk Forecasting, Integer Programming.;Doğal afetler, toplulukları doğrudan bir anda etkileyerek can ve mal kayıplarına sebep olurlar. Resmi kayıtlara göre, 1975-2006 yılları arasında dünyada meydana gelen doğal afetler sonucu ölen kişi sayısının 2.22 milyon, bu afetlerden etkilenen kişi sayısının 5.48 milyar ve bu afetlerin oluşturduğu maddi hasarın 1.27 trilyon dolar olduğu bilinmektedir. Her doğal afetin büyüklüğü, etki alanı, olma olasılığı ve tekrarlanma süresi birbirinden farklı olmasına rağmen ortak özelliği insanların afetlere karşı hazırlıklı olması gerektiğidir. Olası bir doğal afete önceden hazırlıklı olmak, afetin yıkıcı etkilerini en aza indirmeyi, afetzedelerin sosyal yaşam kalitesini düşürmeden afeti olabilecek en düşük seviyede atlatmalarını sağlar. Bu çalışmada, olası bir afetten sonra (deprem, taşkın, orman yangın vb.), yardım malzemelerinin stoklanacağı depo bölgelerini ve bu depoların hizmet verdiği afet bölgelerini belirlemek için olasılıksal yaklaşımlar kullanılarak tamsayılı programlama modeli kurulmuştur. Kurulan model ile karar verici, afetin ne kadar hasara sebep olabileceğini hesaba katarak, göze alacağı riske göre hazırlanan planlar arasından amacına en uygun olanını seçebilmektedir.